Page 155 - Racing Toward Judgement
P. 155
about everything. I see what sin did to me. I am tired of
sellish living, and I surrender my will to You. Crush my
own ambitions, and put within me a new heart."
Repentance is a complete turn away from being a
rebel, from foolish and ungodly friends, from conform-
ity with the world, from secret sins and habits of the
flesh, from filthy books, from dirty stories and unclean
jokes, from unintelligent living and planning, from wast-
ing time, from everything and everybody that would
hinder you from being a 100-percent follower of Christ.
So you see, friend, "I repent" is more than two little
words prayed when under the influence of an emotional
experience. It is a revolution, a way of life, a surrender,
a declaration of new allegiance, a submission, a pledge
to denounce the world once and for all. Christ must be-
come your commander-in-chief, or you are still an tin-
repentant rebel. Stop being a little god to yourself; sur-
render your sword of bitterness; raise your flag of
surrender; and put your life under new management.
Once you repent, "you are not your own; you are
bought with a price" (1 Corinthians 6:19,20). You
cannot have Christ and ungodly friends too. Choose
Christ or the crowd--right now! You will never be able
to stay "up tight" with God until you give up everything
for the "knowledge of salvation."
4. Faith is the power that initiates and continues
your conversion!
God may be willing to forgive and restore you, and
you may be ever so willing to forsake sin and follow
Christ—yet no salvation can take place without a very
important step being taken to walk in the path of holi-
ness. That great step is faith! A great number of pas-
sages in the Bible make it very plain that the benefits of
salvation become effective only by faith.
Faith is not a mere intellectual state of belief but a
complete committal of the will and a full trust and
sellish living, and I surrender my will to You. Crush my
own ambitions, and put within me a new heart."
Repentance is a complete turn away from being a
rebel, from foolish and ungodly friends, from conform-
ity with the world, from secret sins and habits of the
flesh, from filthy books, from dirty stories and unclean
jokes, from unintelligent living and planning, from wast-
ing time, from everything and everybody that would
hinder you from being a 100-percent follower of Christ.
So you see, friend, "I repent" is more than two little
words prayed when under the influence of an emotional
experience. It is a revolution, a way of life, a surrender,
a declaration of new allegiance, a submission, a pledge
to denounce the world once and for all. Christ must be-
come your commander-in-chief, or you are still an tin-
repentant rebel. Stop being a little god to yourself; sur-
render your sword of bitterness; raise your flag of
surrender; and put your life under new management.
Once you repent, "you are not your own; you are
bought with a price" (1 Corinthians 6:19,20). You
cannot have Christ and ungodly friends too. Choose
Christ or the crowd--right now! You will never be able
to stay "up tight" with God until you give up everything
for the "knowledge of salvation."
4. Faith is the power that initiates and continues
your conversion!
God may be willing to forgive and restore you, and
you may be ever so willing to forsake sin and follow
Christ—yet no salvation can take place without a very
important step being taken to walk in the path of holi-
ness. That great step is faith! A great number of pas-
sages in the Bible make it very plain that the benefits of
salvation become effective only by faith.
Faith is not a mere intellectual state of belief but a
complete committal of the will and a full trust and