Page 157 - Racing Toward Judgement
P. 157
in all" (Colossians 3:11). Obey the command of the
Lord: "Keep yourselves in the love of God, looking for
the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life"
(Jude 21 KJV).
You must continue in the state of repentance and
faith. Pray for boldness to tell others what Christ can
do. Expect to be persecuted and rejected by those who
are still in darkness. Expect to find some hyprocrites even
in the best churches. Don't set your eyes on people,
because humans fail—only God doesn't. Allow the
Holy Spirit to deal honestly with you about smoking,
drinking, sex attitudes, and dress. Don't be a phony.
Don't hide behind a false front; be honest!
Don't worry about getting depressed or blue—even
Paul the Apostle had that problem. When you are blue,
worried, or perplexed, stay true by staying on your
knees in your bedroom until the load is lifted. Read your
Bible every single day. Pray at least fifteen minutes
each day. Don't leave the house or go to bed at night
without talking to Jesus.
If your church is dead and you begin to grow cold
spiritually, pray for your minister. Go to him, and tell
him you want to see more of the dynamics of the Holy
Spirit in the church and in your life. Start a prayer
group with some of your friends. If that doesn't work,
find a friend who is "on fire" for God and go with him
or her to church.
Seek to be filled with the Spirit. Present your body to
the Lord to be used in full-time Christian service. If you
are convinced God wants you to serve Him in secular
work, make all your plans in partnership with the Lord.
Acknowledge Him for all directions.
Once you take your stand for Christ, don't expect to
be converted over and over again. Trust your conver -
sion as final as long as you walk with Christ.

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