Page 154 - Racing Toward Judgement
P. 154
delivered to you? Do you think God is not concerned
about you—how you live and how you think? Get that
out of your mind. All the forces of Heaven are turned
on you; you are under the influence of the "outpouring
of the Holy Ghost," and you must face an hour of
truth! When the Holy Ghost pulls, it's time for you to
push—into the Kingdom!

3. Salvation doesn't really count until you truly re-
"Joy shall be in heaven over one sinner that repent-
eth . ." (Luke 15:7 KJV). Repentance can never be
anything but your very own act. God will use forces to
draw us but will never coerce our wills. Only you can
turn the rudder of the ship of life into waters of obedi-
ence. Neither God nor man can repent for us. Listen!
Your salvation hinges on one thing—Will you turn
from sin, or will you not? Too many people have been
self-deceived—and have gone to their doom thinking
they were on their way to Heaven—because they failed
to understand what it means to repent!
Salvation without true repentance is absolutely im-
possible, and anyone who thinks it is possible is "seek-
ing refuge in lies" (Isaiah 28:17).
Repentance begins with a revelation and an admis-
sion of personal guilt. You cannot blame parents or en-
vironment or use any pathetic excuses of psychiatrists.
You must feel the guilt--admit you are in darkness and
that you are condemned and unable to save yourself.
Have you honestly and clearly admitted, "I am a guilty
sinner. I am lost. I have grieved God. I have lived only
for myself. I am sorry"? This you must do!
Repentance means to change one's mind. It is a cli-
mactic revolution of the mind concerning God, self, sin,
and the will. God is waiting to see how honest your re-
pentance will be. When you pray, "Lord, I repent," you
are actually promising: "Lord, I've changed my mind
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