Page 149 - Racing Toward Judgement
P. 149
• ". . . buildings that decay, leaving not a single
stone upon another."
•". . . bags with holes in them . . . wells without
water . . . clouds without rain."
• ". . . things that burn . . . elements that melt
materials that dissolve."
• ". . . lust that kills . . . pleasures that end up in
pain . . . joys that turn into sorrows."
• ". . . storehouses where goods rust and thieves
break in and steal."
• ". . . big loaded barns left for others to enjoy
houses, lands, fields left to others."
• ". . . wealth, honor and power—yet God giveth
him no power to eat thereof, but a stranger eateth
• ". . . labor for food, yet the appetite unfulfilled."
• ". . . riches kept for the owner's hurt . . . riches
that perish by evil travail."
• ". . . wine that mocks. . . children who are dis-
obedient. . . wives that betray."
We think of Sodom and remember fire and brim-
stone. God said, "Remember Lot's wife!" She was so
attached to her little world, she couldn't give it up even
after it all melted with fervent heat. When judgment
fires fall again over this old earth, many will be drag-
ged into eternity, kicking and screaming—not over
their lost souls but their lost thin!
Paul spoke of "a certain fearful looking for of judg-
ment and fiery indignation, which shall devour the ad-
versaries"—but as "the day" approached, Christians
"took joyfully the spoiling of their goods, knowing in
themselves that they had in heaven a better and endur-
ing substance" (Hebrews 10:27,34).
The coming economic upheavals will spoil a lot of
people's goods. Those who are living only for today will
be devastated with fears their good life will be spoiled
stone upon another."
•". . . bags with holes in them . . . wells without
water . . . clouds without rain."
• ". . . things that burn . . . elements that melt
materials that dissolve."
• ". . . lust that kills . . . pleasures that end up in
pain . . . joys that turn into sorrows."
• ". . . storehouses where goods rust and thieves
break in and steal."
• ". . . big loaded barns left for others to enjoy
houses, lands, fields left to others."
• ". . . wealth, honor and power—yet God giveth
him no power to eat thereof, but a stranger eateth
• ". . . labor for food, yet the appetite unfulfilled."
• ". . . riches kept for the owner's hurt . . . riches
that perish by evil travail."
• ". . . wine that mocks. . . children who are dis-
obedient. . . wives that betray."
We think of Sodom and remember fire and brim-
stone. God said, "Remember Lot's wife!" She was so
attached to her little world, she couldn't give it up even
after it all melted with fervent heat. When judgment
fires fall again over this old earth, many will be drag-
ged into eternity, kicking and screaming—not over
their lost souls but their lost thin!
Paul spoke of "a certain fearful looking for of judg-
ment and fiery indignation, which shall devour the ad-
versaries"—but as "the day" approached, Christians
"took joyfully the spoiling of their goods, knowing in
themselves that they had in heaven a better and endur-
ing substance" (Hebrews 10:27,34).
The coming economic upheavals will spoil a lot of
people's goods. Those who are living only for today will
be devastated with fears their good life will be spoiled