Page 144 - Racing Toward Judgement
P. 144
giant awakening from slumber. The earth began to
tremble. Deadly arrows of famine came streaking from
His presence, ending the green revolution and shattering
the predictions of worldwide abundance. Cities began to
crumble and decay. The queen city of our nation, proud
and arrogant, wallowed in chaotic disarray. Crime
spread like cancer. Drug and alcoholic abuse became
pandemic. Suddenly there was confusion and bewilder-
ment everywhere. Nations woke up on the brink of
bankruptcy. Unemployment exploded like a bomb.
Schools became battlegrounds, and the great educators
and experts couldn't even isolate the problems, let alone
offer solutions. A flood of filth inundated the earth.
From Copenhagen to California an outbreak of nudity,
rape, perversion, and smut got out of control. Sadly, the
new freedom only made more slaves and neurotics.
The Christian must realize what happened and re-
joice. God is simply making His statement! He is say-
ing, "The nations of this world are but a drop in the
bucket . . . as small dust . . ." (Isaiah 40:15).
I am glad to be alive this day to behold the same
display of God's power and glory that Moses and the
Israelites witnessed centuries ago! Once again God's
glory is seen in awesome demonstrations of power that
confuse and bewilder kings, presidents, and the masses
everywhere. God is doing exactly what He said He would
do. He is pouring out His Spirit upon all flesh. On the
believer, as a "baptizing, purifying Spirit" that springs
up like a well within. On the ungodly, that Spirit tails as
fire and sits upon the heads of the wicked as judgment.
God is walking on the wicked just as the prophet Ma-
lachi said He would:

And ye shall tread down the wicked; for they
shall be ashes under the soles of your feet in the
day that I shall do this, saith the Lord of hosts.
Malachi 4:3 KJV
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