Page 143 - Racing Toward Judgement
P. 143
sounding. And as the events begin to unfold as prophe-
sied, they look up and rejoice, because they are already
redeemed by faith.
Let me tell you why this is such a wonderful day in
which to be living—for Christians, that is. It is based on
some very simple but too often overlooked facts. Let me
Est just a few:
1. God Isn't Dead After All!
His enemies tried to bury Him and proclaimed a new
day of "freedom from the tyranny of God." The educa-
tors, philosophers, and liberal theologians were going to
deliver this generation from ignorance, poverty, and im-
morality. The "green revolution" envisioned by experts
would provide adequate food for the world. Billions
spent in the field of education would foster a generation
of young minds whose think tanks would offer solutions
to problems once thought unsolvable. The promulgation
of liberated sex attitudes and the lifting of all restraints
would produce an era free from moral hangups and
wipe out perversion. With God out of the way, man
thought he could conquer not only the moon but the
universe. And it was a wild, heady ride while it lasted.
Prosperity became intoxicating. The cornucopia of
abundance seemed to have no bottom. Cities spent with
abandon. Promises were piled upon promises. innova-
tion, expansion, and success were the key words. Men
shook the dust of the moon off their feet. Unions made
ridiculous demands and industry relented—for, after
all, there seemed to be no end to consumer demand.
Silver and gold became the national altar, and material-
ism became the new god. Ungodly men laughed and by
their actions were saying, "If God is not dead, He is
unimportant—and we are doing quite well without
Him, thank you!"
But God would not play the game. He refused to roll
over and play dead, but instead shook Himself like a
sied, they look up and rejoice, because they are already
redeemed by faith.
Let me tell you why this is such a wonderful day in
which to be living—for Christians, that is. It is based on
some very simple but too often overlooked facts. Let me
Est just a few:
1. God Isn't Dead After All!
His enemies tried to bury Him and proclaimed a new
day of "freedom from the tyranny of God." The educa-
tors, philosophers, and liberal theologians were going to
deliver this generation from ignorance, poverty, and im-
morality. The "green revolution" envisioned by experts
would provide adequate food for the world. Billions
spent in the field of education would foster a generation
of young minds whose think tanks would offer solutions
to problems once thought unsolvable. The promulgation
of liberated sex attitudes and the lifting of all restraints
would produce an era free from moral hangups and
wipe out perversion. With God out of the way, man
thought he could conquer not only the moon but the
universe. And it was a wild, heady ride while it lasted.
Prosperity became intoxicating. The cornucopia of
abundance seemed to have no bottom. Cities spent with
abandon. Promises were piled upon promises. innova-
tion, expansion, and success were the key words. Men
shook the dust of the moon off their feet. Unions made
ridiculous demands and industry relented—for, after
all, there seemed to be no end to consumer demand.
Silver and gold became the national altar, and material-
ism became the new god. Ungodly men laughed and by
their actions were saying, "If God is not dead, He is
unimportant—and we are doing quite well without
Him, thank you!"
But God would not play the game. He refused to roll
over and play dead, but instead shook Himself like a