Page 146 - Racing Toward Judgement
P. 146
Listen to this:
• ". . . and frogs came up and covered the land."
• ". . . and the houses of the Egyptians swarmed
with flies."
•". . . and all the cattle of Egypt died."
•". . . and boils broke forth upon man and beast."
•". . . and the Lord sent thunder and hail, and the
fire ran along the ground."
• ". . . and locusts covered the face of the land,
and the land was darkened."
• ". . . and thick darkness covered all of Egypt
three days."
• ". . . and the Lord smote all the firstborn of

Meanwhile, at the Israelite camp in Goshen, things
were different. Does God take delight in saving His peo-
ple in the day of wrath? You must believe it! "And I
will put a division between my people and thy people
• . . and I will sever in that day the land of Goshen
• . ." (Exodus 8:23,22 KJV).
While judgment was falling on the wicked, God was
busy showing His power to deliver the righteous.

• ". . . the land of Egypt was corrupted by flies
but no flies shall swarm in Goshen, that thou
inayest know that I am the Lord in the midst of
the earth."
•". . . and the Lord severed between the cattle of
Israel and the cattle of Egypt . . . and all the cat-
tle of Egypt died; but of the cattle of Israel died
not one."
• ". • . and hail smote throughout all the land of
Egypt, all that was in the field, both man and
beast; only in the land of Goshen, where the chil-
dren of Israel were, was there no hail."
• ". . . and there was a thick darkness in all the
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