Page 3 - Matchathon’s Secrets Maximizing Fundraising Potential
P. 3

                                               MAXIMIZE YOUR POTENTIAL

               Redefining Campaign Success:

               Running a successful matching-donation campaign can take on many different
               meanings depending on your perspective.

               For some, success means reaching the self-set goal for funds raised in the specific

               time. For others it might mean fully funding a specific project.  And to others, it
               might be about raising more funds or reaching more donors than they had in the

               At MatchAThon, we are redefining success as: Maximizing your fundraising

               A campaign may reach its goal and raise a huge sum of money, but if hundreds of
               thousands of dollars from tens of donors was left on the table a tremendous
               opportunity was wasted.

                   At MatchAThon, we are redefining success as: Maximizing your

                  fundraising potential

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