Page 6 - Matchathon’s Secrets Maximizing Fundraising Potential
P. 6

                                               MAXIMIZE YOUR POTENTIAL

                   3.  Ambitious, Yet Realistic Goal:

               Having a defined goal is an extremely important factor in any campaign. It gives
               both the campaign administrator and donors a number to shoot for.

               Setting the right goal can make all the difference between raising a nice amount
               of money and really maximizing a campaign. When a goal is reached, donations
                                                             slow down significantly or stop
                                                             completely. So, if the goal is too easily

                                                             attainable, there’s hundreds or thousands
                                                             of dollars being left on the table.

                                                             We believe the “all-or-nothing” concept is

                                                             hurtful to a campaign. Without claiming
                                                             “all-or-nothing” over 95% of MatchAThon
                                                             campaigns still attain their goals, most

                                                             within the last hour of a campaign and
                                                             sometimes even in the minutes after a

                  Setting the right goal can make all the difference between
                  raising a nice amount of money and really maximizing a


               Although there is added stress in reaching the goal with little time remaining, the

               added pressure is also felt by your community of donors. We have routinely
               witnesses donors step up in the final hours of a campaign to help reach the goal –
               without claiming “all-or-nothing.”

               Working with a MatchAThon Campaign Advisor, we combine your knowledge of
               your community with our campaign experience to create the goal that maximizes
               your funds raised and leaves nothing on the table.

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