Page 5 - Matchathon’s Secrets Maximizing Fundraising Potential
P. 5

                                               MAXIMIZE YOUR POTENTIAL

                   2.  Timing:

               The two most crucial times during a campaign are the launch and conclusion.

               Getting a campaign off to a fast start is pivotal for your morale and those working

               with you on the campaign.

               A rolling start is also key for potential donors. Many people are nervous about
               breaking the ice and being the first one in. They would much rather jump on the

               bandwagon, everybody loves a winner.

               Your donors are likely busy people with work, family and myriad distractions.
               Reaching them at the right time of day can make all the difference in procuring a

               donation or having them push it to another time and potentially losing out.

                  How many potential donors will visit the

                  campaign with time on the clock, but not

                  contribute because the goal has already been

               The conclusion of a campaign can be looked at as when the clock hits zero or the
               campaign goal is reached. While hitting the goal with several hours to spare might
               be a welcome surprise, consider this: How many potential donors will visit the

               campaign with time on the clock, but not contribute because the goal has already
               been achieved?

               As a campaign comes down the wire, we routinely see a significant influx of

               donors. But that can only happen if it’s the right time of day. Too early and most
               donors are busy with their daily lives. Too late and donors are asleep.

               These times can vary significantly based on your potential donors’ demographics

               geographics. Are you donors mostly in the same time zone or in multiple times,
               perhaps they’re even spread through different parts of the World.

               By consulting a MatchAThon Campaign Advisor, we can work with you to
               determine what times are best for these two crucial parts of your campaign.

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