Page 3 - Towards The Goal Of Beautiful Life
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                    We are indeed pleased to publish this book "TOWARDS THE GOAL OF BEAUTIFUL
            LIFE', written by Satguru Shri Wamanrao Pai. He is a learned philosopher and has been

            propogating his philosophy of JEEVANVIDYA since 1953. This is an innovative philosophy

            which is secular, eternal and universal and is based mainly on universal laws of nature.
            This philosophy is a beautiful combination of worldly life and psycho spiritual progress of
            Man and gives equal importance to both. It deals with the science of Art of Living and

            has  proved  to  be  a  boon  to  the  poor  masses,  source  of  strength  to  rich  people  and

            beneficial  to  the  entire  world.  With  single  minded  devotion  and  humility,  Satguru  Shri
            Wamanrao Pai has selflessly conducted his JEEVANVIDYA MISSION to guide people and
            motivate them to achieve success, confidence, happiness and contentment in their lives.

            He has been preaching his philosophy through lectures, Television interviews, discourses

            and has also written many books in Marathi, to propogate his philosophy. His books have
            been well appreciated and are also in great demand.

                    The views expressed by Satguru Wamanrao Pai through this book are immensely
            great in substance. A mission so dear to his heart, his strong desire is that people in the

            world  should  become  peaceful  and  happy.  As  such,  he  has  enunciated  new  cardinal
            principles  of  JEEVANVIDYA  philosophy  to  guide  people  to  adopt  beautiful  living,  which

            according to him is the essence of ideal worship of God. Hence it is important to read this
            book studiously, so that the doctrines initiated by him can be properly appreciated. We

            therefore humbly request the readers that, they should not casually read this book once
            or  twice,  but  read  it  a  number  of  times  so  that  they  can  master  the  key  of  reaching

            towards the goal of beautiful life.
                    We  have  up  till  now,  published  several  books  written  by  our  Satguru  and  they

            have been so very popular that many new editions of these books are being published
            from time to time. We therefore expect that readers will also like this book. In spite of

            severe inflation, readers will  appreciate that we have reasonably priced this book.  Our
            intention is that, this book must reach the maximum number of people, so that mission

            of  our  Satguru  that  "The  world  should  become  happy  and  peaceful''  and  that
            "JEEVANVIDYA should reach every household'', can be realised. We also wish to express

            our appreciation and greatfulness to all those who have helped to publish this book.

                                                                                    Jeevanvidya Mission
                                                                                    Mumbai 400 066.
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