Page 4 - Towards The Goal Of Beautiful Life
P. 4

Author's Comments

                    I  have  pleasure  in  presenting  to  readers  this  book,  `TOWARDS  THE  GOAL  OF

            BEAUTIFUL LIFE' The purpose of this book is to remove ignorance, common people have
            about important topics such as, concept of God, ideal worship of God, Papa and Punya,

            Art  of  Living  etc.  Ignorance  breeds  blind  faith  and  blind  faith  motivates  injustice  and
            tyranny. I therefore expect that this book will be able to remove this ignorance and blind

            faith, so that the society can adopt beautiful living and experience the joy of beautiful
            life. In the current Television age, as also because of various other reasons, people are

            fast losing the hobby of reading books. Under the circumstance, as also on account of the
            fast  living  of  present  time,  this  book  has  been  kept  as  small  as  possible.  However  I

            expect  that  this  book  will  guide  the  society  to  make  best  use  of  their  lives  to  achieve
            success, prosperity, peace and happiness. I humbly hope that readers will welcome this

            book with the same zeal, with which they have appreciated my other books.
                                                                                            Wamanrao Pai

                                        Sadguru Shree Wamanrao Pai says,
                    "The  welfare  and  well  being  of  human  society  lies  in  living  life  with  the  sole

            objective of achieving peace for the entire mankind on the basis of cardinal truth that,

            God is one, human race is one, human mind is one, human religion is one and human
            culture is one.''
                                                       "God is one,

                                                   Human race is one,

                                                   Human mind is one,
                                               Human religion is one, and
                                                  Human culture is one"

                                                  About the Author....

                    Pai,  Wamanrao  Gajananrao,  B.A.  (Hons.)  Philosopher,  writer  and  former  state
            Government  officer.  Born  on  October  21,  1923  at  Mumbai  (India)  retired  as  Deputy

            Secretary,  Finance  Department,  Government  of  Maharashtra.  Creator  of  innovative
            philosophy  of  JEEVANVIDYA.  JEEVANVIDYA  is  a  creative  philosophy  of  life  and  art  of

            living.  The  philosophy  which  has  a  global  vision  and  is  essentially  secular,  eternal,
            universal and revolves around the message "You are the Architect of your Destiny.'' He is

            the founder of JEEVANVIDYA MISSION. He has been honoured for spiritual, Social  and

            Cultural activities by Government, Municipal authorities and Social organisations.
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