Page 9 - Towards The Goal Of Beautiful Life
P. 9

got involved deeply only in idol worship, in form of rites and rituals, forgetting the very
            truth that, the stone idol of God is in fact only the symbol of God and not God. The ill

            effect of this illusion is that, on the one hand, people in the society give up the noble
            ideal of resorting to relentless efforts for achieving success and prosperity in life and on

            the other, they become victims of superstitions and false beliefs, that the stone idol of
            God, blesses and curses them, thus getting themselves entangled more and more in rites

            and  rituals.  Such  a  pitiable  condition  of  the  society  is  not  only  prevailing  in  any  one
            particular  religion,  but  also  in  all  the  other  religions  in  the  world  in  some  form  or  the

                                                Illusion of Happiness

                    As a matter of fact, every person in the world earnestly makes efforts throughout
            his life to make himself happy. In this context Jeevanvidya states that:-

            "The root cause of all evils, miseries and sufferings of the entire human race lies in the
            belief of the wrong concept of happiness, which varies from person to person.''

                    There is a category of common people who try to achieve happiness by acquiring
            those things that please their mind, by means of money, wealth and power. Since most

            of  these  people,  leaving  aside  a  few  exceptions,  earn  money  and  power  through  foul
            means, they have to face calamities and difficulties in their lives. These people ultimately

            come to realise that the happiness which they acquire by means of money, wealth and
            power  is  essentially  not  the  real  happiness  that  they  desired,  but  is  an  illusion  of

            happiness.  In  brief,  money,  wealth  and  power  can  not  ensure  a  happy  life.  Similarly,
            there  is  another  category  of  common  people  who  try  to  make  themselves  happy  by

            means of gratifying God, by worshipping Him. However, this category of people also fails
            to attain happiness in their lives mainly because they worship an imaginary God and not

            the real God. Also, the various methods of worship people adopt for worshipping their
            imaginary God are also imaginary and the experiences that they mostly get, are equally

            imaginary. Hence, people who try to achieve a happy life by means of money, wealth and
            power,  as  also  those  people  who  try  to  make  themselves  happy  by  worshipping  an

            imaginary  God  by  performing  rites  and  rituals,  fail  to  achieve  their  desired  goal.
            JEEVANVIDYA therefore states that,

                    "From historical times to the present day, the various methods people adopted to
            make their lives happy, are fundamentally wrong.''

                    Hence the question that arises is, what is the essence of ideal worship which can
            ensure a beautiful life, in the form of success and prosperity and peace and bliss.

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