Page 13 - Towards The Goal Of Beautiful Life
P. 13
"None else but Man himself creates his own destiny through his good or evil
thoughts, speech and physical actions and the destiny so created, becomes responsible
for his sorrow and pain or pleasure and happiness.''
Similarly, we must also realise the most important truth, that whatever socially
useful profession or work we choose to earn our livelihood, is in fact the worship,
adoration and devotion to God. As such, it is our duty to perform our chosen profession
honestly, lovingly and whole heartedly and to the best of our ability. The doctrine of
JEEVANVIDYA in this context is,
"Love work, bless all and you will be blessed by God''.
Unfortunately, however, the factual position is just the opposite. For example, a
majority of the people are eager to receive their wages, but they do not take any interest
in their work. 'To avoid work', has become almost the second nature of Man. Instead of
applying their mind to attain excellence in their work, people engage themselves in
manoeuvering to avoid work. Jeevanvidya proclaims that
"To work with love is God's worship"
Surprisingly, even corruption has today attained a social status. In fact corruption
is a sin of the highest order that has severly afflicted the human society which is now
literally rotting and decaying under its evil influence. All such sinful and evil actions of
Man have been responsible for disfiguring the living idol of human being created by God.
In this context, just imagine, how anguished and miserable an ordinary sculptor would
feel, if some one breaks or defaces or destroys a beautiful sculpture made by him.
Similarly, a human body is a living idol and is a lovely, beautiful and excellent sculpture
created by God. When people simply, for the sake of money, wealth, prestige, power or
under the influence of jealousy, anger and blind faith, disfigure or destroy this beautiful
sculpture of the human body, they upset this wonderful creation of God. Similarly, when
people kill each other by fighting, rioting, murdering or waging battles and wars amongst
themselves, all such harmful and sinful actions activate the law of 'Action and Reaction',
as a result of which they receive reactions in the forms of distress, grief and misery from
God, the creator of the beautiful idol of human being. It is possible that these sinful
people may try to bribe so-called God in the form of giving donations to temples,
mosques and churches or may attempt to please Him by performing certain rites and
rituals or adorations, under the name of worship of God or love of religion. However, it is
utterly foolish to believe that God will be pleased by performing these so-called
devotional activities, which in fact have no value whatsoever in the kingdom of God.