Page 16 - Towards The Goal Of Beautiful Life
P. 16
miseries, the consequences of such events affect and effect more or less all the people of
the world, directly or indirectly. In this context, it is interesting to note that just as we
desire and aspire for certain things like money, harmony, respect, peace, happiness, etc.
but despise poverty, miseries, disharmony, disrespect, etc., similarly other people also
desire or despise favourable or unfavourable events, conditions and circumstances.
People however, do not adequately realise this vital truth. The result is that Man in the
pursuit of his goals, creates conflicts and bitterness with others and becomes a perennial
source of difficulties and sufferings for himself as well as for others. In this connection
Jeevanvidya states that -
"Men must behave like human beings with other people irrespective of caste,
creed, race or religion and sincerely endeavour to make each other happy. This is real
adoration and worship of God, the truespirit of devotion and service to God, as also the
essence of true religion.''
Briefly, JEEVANVIDYA points out that the human race can definitely march towards
the cherished goal of equality, fraternity and tranquility, if Man makes a conscious effort
to lead his life with wisdom realising the important doctrine of JEEVANVIDYA that,
"The state of Man's peace and happiness is in the welfare and well being of others
and the state of his grief and misery is in the sorrows of others.''
Purpose of Human Life
People receive good or bad results of good or evil actions that they perform,
according to the universal laws of nature. Even God does not interfere in any way nor is
He partial or shows favours nor does He make any exceptions in respect of His laws of
nature, which are applicable equally to all the people in the world, irrespective of caste,
creed, race or religion to which they belong. Man generally breaks the laws which he
himself makes, but God never breaks the universal laws of nature, which are part and
parcel of the Cosmic Life Force. Hence it is essential that, right from childhood, people
must be trained, educated and brought up with adequate knowledge about these
universal laws of nature according to which Man has to face good and evil consequences,
as reactions to his good or evil actions. This is the only effective way to make the world
happy and peaceful, there being no other alternate method to bring this about. In this
context, another important aspect to remember is that people are not aware about the
exact purpose of human life. Most of the people have misunderstood the very purpose for
which they are blessed with human life. They assume that human birth is an inevitable