Page 11 - Towards The Goal Of Beautiful Life
P. 11

anywhere or to anybody that, "I am the creator of this unique sculpture of the human
            body'',  nor  has  He  ever  expected  any  remuneration  in  any  form  for  this  wonderful

            creation. JEEVANVIDYA designates that -
                    This creator or sculptor of human body as 'Cosmic Life Force or God' and considers

            the sculpture of the human body as 'A living idol of God'

                                                Living Idol of God
                    Here,  a  question  may  arise,  "What  exactly  is  the  main  purpose  of  stone  idol

            worship and its relationship to the living idol of God in the form of the human body?'' Let
            us examine this issue in brief. The purpose of performing so-called worship of stone idol

            is to remind us that, the human body created by God is essentially the living idol of God
            Himself. To understand this aspect correctly, we should observe the manner in which we

            worship the stone or metal idol. In the process of worship, we first apply sandal paste

            (गंध लावणे) to the stone idol and the same paste we then apply to our forehead, then we

            offer  various  fragrances  and  flowers  to  the  idol  (अगरबत्ती  व  फ ु ले  वाहणे),  but  actually  we

            ourselves and not the stone idol enjoy their pleasant smell. We then light the lamp to

            perform AARTI (आरती) of the idol and we experience its delight. We then offer food and

            sweets (नैवेध) to the idol, but in fact we consume them. It will thus be seen, that this so-

            called idol worship is in fact performed to lead us towards real and ideal worship of God.
            This ideal God's worship therefore commences, the very moment we realise this truth.

            The  genuine  spiritual  pursuit  of  God  commenses  with  the  awareness  of  divinity  within
            and ends with attainment of Divine Consciousness. In this context, JEEVANVIDYA would

            like to clarify the true concept of ideal worship as given below.

                                                        Ideal Worship
                    The essence of ideal worship lies in always taking due care of the human body and

            not in neglecting it for any reason whatsoever. When we realise that the human body is
            in fact the living idol of God, created by God Himself, the appropriate method to receive

            blessings of God is to take care of this body, to properly nurture and nourish it, to keep it
            clean and to maintain it in perfect condition, so as to make it effective and efficient, to

            train,  educate  and  culture  it  carefully  and  properly.  In  brief,  the  entire  process  of  so
            called idol worship taught by sages and saints is in effect, nothing else but honouring,

            respecting and ensuring the welfare and well being of the human body which is a living

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