Page 10 - Towards The Goal Of Beautiful Life
P. 10

Gift of the Human Body
                    In this context, Man must appreciate the fact that he is blessed with the wonderful

            gift of the human body, which is in fact a living idol of God or Cosmic Life Force which is
            omnipresent and also resides in the heart of human beings. Just as electricity requires

            the  medium  of  bulbs,  tubes,  fans,  etc.  to  manifest  itself,  similarly  Cosmic  Life  Force
            requires  a  medium  to  manifest  itself.  Hence,  in  the  case  of  Man,  Cosmic  Life  Force

            manifests  itself  through  the  medium  of  the  human  body.  It  is  pertinent  to  note  that,
            neither we ourselves nor our parents are the creators of the human body. If we or our

            parents were the creators of human body, then all the born children would be fair and
            square, tall and healthy, clever and intelligent, handsome and beautiful; but we all know

            that this is not true. Similarly, it is also ridiculous to imagine that there is no creator of
            the  human  body.  This  point  needs  some  clarification.  For  example,  when  we  see  a

            beautiful sculpture in the form of a statue of a person, we are fully aware, without the
            slightest doubt, that there must be a creator of this sculpture. No sensible person can

            ever imagine that this sculpture has fallen from the skies or it has spurng up from the
            earth. Similarly any sensible person will agree that in order to create such a sculpture,

            the sculptor requires various instruments and implements. He works and exerts to create
            it.  He  acquires  the  knowledge  and  skill  of  the  art  of  sculpture  from  some  guide.  On

            completion of such an ordinary sculpture, the sculptor boasts, "I am the creator of this
            sculpture''  and  also  expects  rewards  in  the  form  of  money  or  appreciation  from  the

            people. However, in spite of this laborious process, the statue of an individual, created by
            the sculptor is very insignificant, because this statue neither speaks nor laughs nor walks

            nor  thinks,  in  fact  it  does  nothing.  As  against  this,  the  sculpture  of  the  human  body
            created by God actually laughs, plays, speaks, walks, thinks, plans and, in fact, performs

            a  variety  of  functions.  Similarly,  though  the  internal  and  external  composition  and
            constitution  of  the  human  body  is  extraordinarily  complicated,  there  is  actually  no

            complication of any kind whatsoever in its creation. The most surprising aspect is that
            the  creator  of  the  human  body  is  invisible,  inarticulate  and  concealed.  Similarly,  He  is

            neither  seen  to  be  exerting  and  struggling  to  create  this  complicated  and  wonderful
            sculpture,  nor  does  He  require  any  instruments  or  implements  to  create  it.  This

            remarkable structure of the human body, is not only perfect and systematically shaped,
            but  there  is  also  a  process  of  designing  and  planning,  proportion,  naturalness,

            systematised  order  and  magnificent  skill  in  its  creation.  In  spite  of  such  an  excellent
            creation  of  the  sculpture  of  the  human  body,  God,  the  creator,  has  never  boasted

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