Page 5 - Towards The Goal Of Beautiful Life
P. 5
Towards the Goal of Beautiful Life
The study of the history of Mankind, indicates that Man has not learnt any lessons
from it and that he has never tried to improve his way of living, with the result that in
human life, 'history is constantly repeating itself'. In this context JEEVANVIDYA has laid
down an important doctrine, namely,
"He who learns from the experiences of others is a man of wisdom, he who learns
from his own experiences is a semi-wise person and he who refuses to learn from
anybody's experiences is a big fool''.
The general tendency of man is that he is not prepared to learn anything from his
past mistakes, which results in the repetition of the history. People generally assume or
take it for granted that there is no alternative but that history will go on repeating itself
as hitherto. Jeevanvidya does not agree with this erroneous belief. Jeevanvidya believes
that if we find out answers to following two questions, then it is possible to avoid the
repetition of history. The questions are:
a) Why does history repeats itself?; and
b) What should Man do to avoid the repetition of history?
From ancient times to date, human life is full of quarrels and strife, murders and
blood-sheds, battles and wars, and such other undesirable events. These unfortunate
events take place due to different reasons, but it is a pity that such events take place
mainly in the name of God and religion. Jeevanvidya states categorically that all
undesirable events take place in Man's life due to ignorance which is Satan incarnate. In
this connection the important principle of JEEVANVIDYA is,
"Ignorance is the root cause of all troubles and knowledge is the root cause of all
Although Man is ‘ignorance incarnate', he is not aware of this truth. The fact is that
Man is ignorant of those things which are very important and affect his living such as
concepts of God, religion, culture, providence, pāpa and punya, mind, etc. and has wrong
notions about the human body. Ignorance about all these things result in quarrels and
strifes, troubles and calamities and loss of peace in his life. Jeevanvidya therefore,
emphasizes that –
Human life is like a mathematical problem and the purpose of our life is to solve
this riddle. While solving a mathematical problem if the first step goes wrong, the
subsequent steps also go wrong. Similarly, while solving the riddle of human life if the
first step, namely, concept of God goes wrong, the subsequent steps regarding religion,