Page 15 - Towards The Goal Of Beautiful Life
P. 15

will  receive  help  and  co-operation  from  others  in  his  difficult  circumstances.
            JEEVANVIDYA therefore states,

                    "You  are  the  architect  of  your  destiny.  Give  happiness  to  others  and  receive
            happiness in return, Give sorrow to others and receive sorrow in return.''

                                                Important Truth

                    In this context, the following principle of JEEVANVIDYA is very instructive
            "The dream of bringing about a revolution in the world will never be fulfilled, unless the

            human race genuinely appreciates the  very truth, that the state of Man's happiness is
            hidden in the happiness of others, while the state of his grief is concealed in the sorrows

            of others''
                    In  fact  the  above  principle  of  JEEVANVIDYA  indicates  only  the  factual  situation

            because  Man  automatically  receives  happiness  as  a  reaction,  when  his  efforts  are  to
            make others happy on the three levels of thought, speech and deeds. In the same way,

            Man receives sorrow as a reaction when he makes the life of others miserable. This point
            can be clarified by means of an example. If you  look at a garland of flowers,  you  will

            notice  that  all  those  flowers  are  interwoven  by  a  thread  which  passes  through  them.
            Those  looking  at  the  garland,  see  only  the  flowers,  but  do  not  notice  the  thread.

            However, there is a very close and intimate mutual relationship between the flowers and
            the  thread.  There  is  a  portion  of  thread  in  each  flower,  since  the  thread  is  passing

            through all the flowers. Hence, if the thread receives a jerk, all the flowers receive that
            jerk to some extent. Similary,  if the  flowers are shaken, the thread is correspondingly

            affected.  We  witness  exactly  the  same  process  in  human  society.  All  people  of  all
            religions in the world are like flowers and these flowers are interwoven together by the

            thread of Cosmic Mind. Thus the entire thread is the Cosmic Mind, while the portion of
            the thread in the heart of every individual is the mind. It is because of the existence of

            these individual minds  that, all the people become conscious  of their individual identity,
            which is further magnified and multiplied with impressions of caste, sect, race, religion,

            nation,  language,  etc.  This  individual  identity  is  always  expressed  and  manifested  by
            every person in the world, in the form of 'I' ness. Every person says, "I do this or that, I

            am handsome or beautiful, I am rich or poor, I belong to this or that religion'', and so on.
            There is thus a close, intimate and genuine relationship between the individual mind the

            Cosmic Mind comprising of all the people of the world. As such, whenever and wherever
            favourable  or  unfavourable  events  occur  giving  rise  to  peace  and  joy  or  chaos  and

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