Page 17 - Towards The Goal Of Beautiful Life
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part of their destiny and that they have no other alternative but to face their favourable
or unfavourable destiny that has fallen to their lot. Their second misconcept is that, the
gift of life which they have received free of cost, is meant only for spending in fun, frolic
and enjoyment. Some other people entertain further misunderstandings about certain
concepts which they harbour in relation to human life. They totally reject the very
existence of God, the necessity of religion, the concept of PĀPA or PUNYA (loosely
translated as sin or blessings) and are under the impression, that human life is nothing
but a meaningless ordeal which Man has to face. People harbouring these
misunderstandings and misconcepts are unfortunately pushed to take silly decisions in
their lives which eventually lead to their ruin them. It is therefore, important that, Man
must know the truth about the exact purpose of human life, which is totally contrary to
all these misunderstandings, that Man has about his life. In this context, the following
principle of JEEVANVIDYA is very important.
"Man is born only for projecting the intrinsic bliss through human body, as also for
celebrating throughout his life, the festival of joy of this intrinsic bliss''.
True Concept of Liberation
Here it is necessary to clarify an important point of view of JEEVANVIDYA.
Generally Man does not care to understand the root cause of human life, the exact
purpose of life itself and whether the human life is a meaningless, undesirable event or it
is an artistic creation of God. On the contrary, Man continues to live with wrong notions
and impressions about his life. One of the most erroneous concepts which is generally
accepted by the society is that, 'liberation from worldly bondage constitutes avoidance
from facing the cycle of birth and death.' Unfortunately, this wrong concept of liberation
results in creation of Man's perverted attitude towards life. This wrong notion makes him
feel, "It is a sin to be born and to escape from the cycle of birth and death is liberation or
so-called Moksha (मोक्ष).''
Jeevanvidya asserts that stupid people are anxious to go to heaven after death,
while wise men create heaven on this earth itself.
This perverted attitude towards life is mainly responsible for developing extremely
negative, destructive and harmful outlook towards life. Due to this wrong concept of
liberation, Man's attitude towards human body, family life, profession, society and the
world at large, is highly perverted. Such an erroneous attitude is the root cause of wrong
beliefs that human body is a cage for Man's soul, that family life is a great obstacle to