Page 20 - Towards The Goal Of Beautiful Life
P. 20

vicinity by his venom, similarly the incarnation of KALIA in the form of ego or the egoistic
            devil in the life-stream of the human race, is responsible for the agonies and sufferings of

            the entire human society. This egoistic devil, assuming various forms in causing chaotic
            and  miserable  conditions  in  human  life.  For  example,  fanaticism  under  the  name  of

            religion, lust for money, wealth and power under the grab of high ambition and desire for
            fame,  respect,  dignity,  prominence  under  the  countenance  of  pride  and  prestige,  all

            these are in fact, the various forms of the egoistic devil of KALIA. Similarly, various types
            of  prides,  such  as  national  pride,  racial  pride,  family  pride,  pride  of  caste,  language,

            province  etc.,  are  also  literally  different  forms  of  this  egoistic  devil  or  KALIA.  Just  as
            there are two sides to a coin, similarly, this ego has two sides, namely, the Demon of

            Hatred and the Demon of Death (कली आणण काळ). While on the one hand, KALI the demon

            of  hatred  creates  anarchy  in  human  life  in  the  form  of  distress,  poverty,  misery,

            suffering, physcial and mental diseases, on the other hand, KAAL the demon of death is
            responsible  for  devastating  human  life,  in  the  form  of  quarrels  and  disputes,  riots  and

            strifes,  fights  and  murders,  wars  and  battles.  In  this  way,  the  entire  human  race  is
            literally  being  pulverised  and  scorched  by  the  deadly  venom  of  this  egoistic  devil  or

            KALIA. Though this is the prevailing existing situation, the human race does not seem to
            be conscious of this reality. In this context, JEEVANVIDYA points out that as long as Man

            does not specifically take due cognisance of this truth, the human race can never march
            towards  the  goal  of  achieving  peace,  happiness  and  regeneration.    Whatever  political,

            social,  religious,  economic  and  educational  reforms  and  improvements  that  have  been
            attempted by Man right from historical times upto the present times, have proved to be

            futile  to  achieve  the  goal  of  peace,  happiness  and  regeneration  of  the  human  race.
            Similarly, though the human race has achieved remarkable material development beyond

            imagination  due  to  the  fantastic  progress  of  science  and  technology,  still  science  has
            been  proved  to  be  unsuccessful  to  achieve,  peace,  happiness  and  regeneration  of  the

            human race. Unfortunately, the human race does not seem to be conscious of the truth
            that achievement of peace, happiness and regeneration does not come within the scope

            of science and technology. No doubt, the human race has achieved remarkable material
            development  by  means  of  unrestrained  progress  of  science,  but  at  the  same  time  the

            very  human  race  is  standing  on  the  threshold  of  disaster  and  catastrophe,  due  to
            tremendous achievements of science and technology. Another important fact that needs

            to be remembered in this context is that, while a few rich people derive advantages and

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