Page 18 - Towards The Goal Of Beautiful Life
P. 18

Man's spiritual pursuit, that executing sincerely one's profession is a big temptation, that
            worldy life is a bondage and that the world being a mirage, must be renounced. Due to

            the  influence  of  such  a  perverted  concept  of  liberation,  Man  neglects  his  duties  and
            responsibilities towards various aspects of his worldly life, as a result of which he turns

            his  back  towards  his  material  development  and  prosperity.  Similarly,  for  attaining
            liberation,  or  for  realisation  of  God,  or  for  earning  His  blessings,  Man  gets  himself

            involved in practicing total abstinence (Asceticism) or gets himself trapped in performing
            various kinds of rites, rituals, penancial practices and religious observances, as per the

            guidance and instructions of so-called religious scholars and elderly people in the family.
            All these misconcepts and perverted attitudes of Man towards spiritual and worldly life,

            result in conditioning his mind and intellect to develop his individuality according to the
            impressions he receives from the society, he lives in. The result is that, his life becomes

            chaotic,  miserable  and  unsuccessful.  He  neither  attains  spiritual  goal  nor  achieves
            success in worldly  life. This state of affairs is totally unacceptable to JEEVANVIDYA. In

            this context, JEEVANVIDYA makes the following valuable statement :-
                    "The  true  concept  of  liberation  is  to  solve  the  riddle  of  life  and  as  such,  the

            generally  accepted  concept  of  liberation  as  freedom  from  cycle  of  birth  and  death  is
            totally wrong.''

                    Just as a student feels overjoyed when he solves a difficult mathematical problem
            after trying very hard, similarly Man experiences intrinsic bliss by solving the riddle of life

            and  attaining  the  true  state  of  liberation.  As  stated  earlier,  any  mathematical  problem
            needs to be solved in a particular manner step by step and the first step in solving that

            mathematical  problem  is  very  important  if  the  very  first  step  goes  wrong,  the  entire
            procedure goes wrong. Similarly, the riddle of life is to be solved by a specific method

            and in this method, the very first step to solve the riddle is of great significance. If Man is
            able  to  tackle  this  first  important  step  correctly,  then  he  can  successfully  manage  the

            rest of the steps. It is therefore necessary to analyse in detail, this first important step to
            solve the riddle of life.

                                         Human Life is a Kala(a harmonious blend)
                    The first and foremost problem before Man is "Why does Man take birth on this

            earth?" According to JEEVANVIDYA,

                    "The  answer  to  this  question  is  that  Man  is  born  to  perform  KALA  (काला),  or  to

            exhibit artistic creation through a certain process."

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