Page 19 - Towards The Goal Of Beautiful Life
P. 19

What is the nature of this process or KALA? It is the process by which a beautiful
            artistic work is created by bringing together several things skillfully. For example, when

            we make an item of food, say Bhelpuri (भेळपुरी), we mix many things together to make it

            tasty and delicious. However, if a person does not have that skill to prepare this Bhelpuri,

            he would certainly make a mess of it. In other words, in order to make a simple delicious
            item  of  food,  Man  needs  several  attributes,  such  as  knowledge,  cleverness,  sagacity,

            planning, proportion, skill and resourcefulness. In comparison with such an ordinary item
            of food like Bhelpuri, the artistic creation of human body is indeed a miracle incarnate in

            the real sense of the term. This human body which is a miraculous creation of God, is in
            fact a living idol of God Himself, and that "Human Life'' is a KALA or an amalgamation of

            several items. Since Man is a social animal, he comes in contact with numerous persons
            in the society during the course of his life. Thus knowingly or unknowingly, Man develops

            close or distant relationship with members of the family, society, nation and the world at
            large, during the course of his life. However, unfortunately, Man is not generally aware of

            the reality of his contact with various entities in this world, as a result of which he does
            not take cognisance of the truth that life is a KALA or an amalgamation of all these items

            and that it is his duty to utilise all these entities skillfully to build up an artistic creation of
            beautiful life in the form of,

                    1.     Peace and Bliss
                    2.     Health and Wealth

                    3.     Money and Harmony
                    4.     Happiness and Contentment

                    5.     Tranquillity and Prosperity
                    Jeevanvidya therefore observes that-

                    "It is high time that Man must realise that living a harmonious life is essentially an
            art which he must master, to blossom his life with tranquillity, stability and prosperity.''

                    Hence a person who creates an artifice of beautiful life is in fact, a real artist. On
            the contrary, an individual who produces a clumsy sculpture of sorrow and misery in his

            life is indeed a devil or KALIA (कालीया). Unfortunately, right from historical times, these

            devils  are  the  perpetuators  of  the  evil  age  and  are  literally  deranging  the  human  life.

            These devils being puffed up by ego, are terrible,  insolent and mean persons who are
            mainly responsible for making the human life miserable and distressful. Just as the king

            cobra KALIA  (कालीया), secreting poison  in  the river  Yamuna, scorched all the  life  in  the

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