Page 6 - LARM_Life_Magazine_summer_fall_2018
P. 6

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    Neligh’s Dial-a-Ride

                                                     Keeps Rolling for 40 Years

        When six-year-old Evelyn Johnson needs a                    A small bus was subsequently purchased

        ride from daycare to the Neligh Public Library              through a grant. At  rst it was mostly elderly
        for story hour, her mom sets up a bus pick up               people who used the transportation service.

        and drop off at the library for her with                     “ “There was a misconception that you had to
        Neligh’s Dial-A-Ride program. The program,                  be handicapped to use the Hand-i-bus,”

        which is the oldest public transit program in               Klabenes said, “Through the years, Neligh
        the state, is celebrating 40 years of helping               residents have come to see the Dial-A-Ride as

        adultsdults and kids get around town and across
        a                                                           a useful transportation service for all types of
        Antelope County. A lot of people in Neligh                  needs. It’s not uncommon for up to 20

        are given rides – about 7,000 just in the last              students to be picked up after school and
        year. The town’s population is about 1,500.                 delielivered home or to a local restaurant
        Dana Klabenes, City of Neligh Clerk and                     before heading off to a sporting event.” A
        Treasurer, said the program began in 1978                   sizeable number of Neligh school students

        when a need for public transit services was                 live outside the city limits.

        i                                                           n the summer, teens without drivers’ licenses
        idedenti ed in Neligh.
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