Page 8 - LARM_Life_Magazine_summer_fall_2018
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Neligh Dial-A-Ride Continued...
or the Antelope County Hospital
transfer passengers. Dial-A-Ride will
also be open for special events like
Siix-year-old Evelyn doesn’t care about
in rural Nebraska community to be those events. She just knows that Jack
able to offer its citizens,” Klabenes said, (Conger) is going to pick her up from
“In 1978 there were only two other daycare at 9:00 am every Thursday and
transportation services in the state. take her to the fun summer activity
Now 84 of the 93 counties have some slated that week at the city library.
level of public transit. Sixty of those Conger, who has been driving for 15
services are in rural areas.” yearsears said driving the Dial-A-Ride is
Dialial-A-Ride operates from August to the best job he’s ever had.
May 8 am to 5 pm Monday through “I give rides to elderly people to the
Friday and Sunday from 8 am to noon. Senior Citizen Center or to get
From Memorial Day to August its groceries and to kids who need a ride
weekday schedule is 9 am to 4 pm. to swimming lessons. It’s one of the
O Occasionally the Dial-A-Ride will be greatest services a city can provide. It
called in to help the housing authority, gives a person a reason to live in a
nursing home, assisted living complex small town,” Conger said.
or the Antelope County Hospital PPictured walking off the bus from left
transfer passengers. Dial-A-Ride will to right on previous page: Evelyn
also be open for special events like Johnson, Olivia Mortensen, Harloe
concerts. Kaufan, Lily Mortensen and Cain
More about Neligh Dial-A-Ride at