Page 9 - LARM_Life_Magazine_summer_fall_2018
P. 9


           New Pedestrian Bridge in Hershey

      The Village of Hershey has made it  nearby North Platte. The Bailey Yard is
      safer  to cross five sets of tracks by  the largest railroad classification yard in
      installing a 211-foot-long pedestrian  the world.
      walkway spanning the tracks. The  TheThe walkway is built on 20-foot-tall

      walkway opened for pedestrian use  support bases and extends 30 feet tall in
      earlier this summer.                                 the air over the tracks. Steward said a
      “TheThe walkway has been part of the  person can see about ten miles from the
      discussion          surrounding             the  top of the walk way. As he works at sites

      installation of a viaduct for 25 years.  across the town of 665 residents,
      We have a train go by every seven  Steward crosses the walkway himself at
      minutes and with the bank,
                                                                          least four times a day – which is              least four times a day – which is
      post office, grocery store and                                            a quarter mile each way. The
      school on one side and your                                               State of Nebraska built the

      home on the other, you may haveome on the other, you may have
                                                                                                              $3 million walkway but it’s
      to cross those tracks more than once a  the Village of Hershey that soon will be
      day,” said Ronnie Steward, Hershey  responsible for its maintenance which

      Maintenance Superintendent.                          will mean Steward will be moving snow
      Thehe ten-foot-wide concrete walkway,  and melting the ice off it in the winter.
      considered the longest in Nebraska,  TheThe trains also don’t have to blow their
      allows residents to walk, ride bikes  whistles any more as they go through

      and lawnmowers and pull wagons  town.
      across the tracks without waiting for  “People can sleep with their windows
      the train to pass. At times there are  open now,” Steward said.
      four  trains coming to or from the  See a video of the placing of the new

      Unionnion  Pacific  Bailey  Yard  in   walkway on the Hershey Facebook page.
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