Page 24 - Ulpan-Or: Dialogues, Unit-6-dial-16-18 191015-V2313-NPW
P. 24

24                            CD 2, Track 11
Dialogues – Unit 6

                   Vocabulary – ‫אוצר מילים‬

Now check your answers, be assisted by the vocabulary list below.

under the building                                ‫ִּמ ַת ַחת ַל ִּב ְׁנ ָּין‬
how was it?                                          ?‫ֵאיְך ָּה ָּיה‬
important                                                ‫ָּחשּוב‬
never mind (lit.: it’s not important)                ‫לא ָּחשּוב‬
long                                                      ‫ָּארְך‬
a long story                                        ‫ִּספּור ָּארְך‬
break                                                  ‫ַה ְׁפ ָּס ָּקה‬
lunch break
I’m in the mood (lit.: I have energy)          ‫ַה ְׁפ ָּס ַקת ָּצ ֳה ַר ִּים‬
I’m not in the mood (lit.: I don’t                    ‫ֵיש ִּלי כ ַח‬
have energy)                                         ‫ֵאין ִּלי כ ַח‬
they (m.) are not in the mood to
talk                                   )‫ֵאין ָּל ֶהם כ ַח ְׁל ַד ֵבר ( ִּפ ֵעל‬
fulltime position; fulltime                             ‫ִּמ ְׁש ָּרה‬
additional                                       ‫ִּמ ְׁש ָּרה ְׁמ ֵל ָּאה‬
overtime (lit.: additional hours)
salary                                                    ‫נֹו ָּסף‬
to get a salary                                  ‫ָּשעֹות נֹו ָּספֹות‬
to take
it takes time                                          ‫ַמ ְׁשכ ֶרת‬
to find                                    )‫ְׁל ַק ֵבל ַמ ְׁשכ ֶרת ( ִּפ ֵעל‬
not anymore
poll                                               )‫ָּל ַק ַחת ( ָּפ ַעל‬
                                                  ‫ֶזה לֹו ֵק ַח ְׁז ַמן‬

                                                   )‫ִּל ְׁמצא ( ָּפ ַעל‬
                                                       ‫ְׁכ ָּבר לא‬
                                                          ‫ֶס ֶקר‬

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