Page 9 - Ulpan Or E-Tone (04.07.17) Advanced Level
P. 9

E-Tone™: Ulpan-Or Weekly News Digest

                          Item #2 (Advanced Level)

Now listen again and check your answers.

Listen again several times till you feel you know well the new

          Talking Dictionary – ‫אֹו ַצר ִמ ִלים ֻמ ְק ָלט‬

English            ‫ עברית‬English                         ‫עברית‬
to be stung
stinging            )‫להיצרב (נפעל‬  6 to hover            )‫לרחף (פיעל‬  1
to report          ‫ צריבות‬,‫צריבה‬      hovering (f. sg.)      ‫מרחפת‬
report (m. pl.)
to create          )‫לדווח (פיעל‬    7 current(s)          ‫ זרמים‬,‫ זרם‬2
create (m. pl.)       ‫מדווחים‬
to prevent
prevents (m. sg.)  )‫ליצור (פעל‬     8 to feel             )‫לחוש (פעל‬   3
swarm(s)               ‫יוצרים‬         feeling (f. sg.)         ‫חשה‬

                   )‫למנוע (פעל‬     9 timing              ‫ עיתוי‬4

                   ‫ נחילים‬,‫ נחיל‬10 unusual               ‫ חריג‬5

                                  Page 9 - Edition 07-04-17

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