Page 19 - Ulpan Or E-Tone (04-17-18) High Inter
P. 19
E-Tone™: Ulpan-Or Weekly News Digest
Item #4 (High-Intermediate Level)
Now listen again and check your answers.
Listen again several times till you feel you know well the new
Talking Dictionary ט ל ְקֻמ םיִל ִמ רַצוֹא–
English תירבע English תירבע
to dry )לֵע ִפ( שֵבַיְל 6 to register )לַעָפ( םֹש ְרִל 1
we dried וּנ ְשַבִי I registered י ִת ְמ ַש ָר
to win )לַעָפ( תוֹכְזִל
swamp(s) תוֹצ ִב ,הָצ ִב 7 2
we won וּני ִכָז
to graduate
תוֹאָג ְת ִהְל )ל ֵע ִפ( םֵיּ ַסְל
to be proud of 8 graduating (m. 3
)לֵעַפ ְת ִה( םי ִמְיּ ַס ְמ
military training
facility ד" ַ ה ַב
detail(s) םי ִט ָר ְפ ,ט ָר ְפ 9 4
col. officer’s ת ַח ַא ד" ַ ה ַב
to pave )לַעָפ( ללֹ ְסִל
website ר ָתֲא 10 5
we paved וּנְלַל ָס
Page 19 - Edition 04-17-18
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