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P. 19


                                                        AL, Unit 3

                                                                רקָׁי   ָׁ  שֶֽׁפֹח

                                      First listen to the text – see how much you can understand.

                                       Now Listen to the vocabulary and try to fill in the
                                       blanks in Hebrew.

           English                              תירבע         English                              תירבע
           to demonstrate
           demonstrate (m.                              6     vacation                                     1

           to hope
           hope (m. pl.)                                7     summer camp(s)                               2

           even though                                  8     to pay for                                   3
                                                              paid for (f. sg.)
                                                              to take place
           to promise                                   9     will take place (f.                          4

           promised (f. sg.)
           to prefer                                    10    to enjoy                                     5
           will prefer (pl.)                                  will enjoy (pl.)

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                                       םירוסא הצפהו הקתעה.   , שומיש לכ  . רוא - ןפלואל   תורומש תויוכזה  לכ
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