Page 11 - ION Indie Magazine MayJune 2023
P. 11

MH: I can imagine how much work a band can put into writing and performing music.
           What are some of the band's musical influences and what else inspires you all?

          Jordan Stafford: For us, the experience of life creates the music itself. We are inspired by life's
          lessons. Otherwise, you end up with synthetic compositions.

           John Stafford: Musically, we are influenced by giants in the music industry -- from Hans Zimmer
           to Stevie Wonder. Toto is a particular strong influence of ours. Each player was a master of
           their craft. Many people don't have a clue that individually they played on over 5000 albums,
          including Michael Jackson, Boz Scaggs, Earth, Wind & Fire, Steely Dan, and soooo many

           Kathi McKay: My personal musical influences were my Mother and Grandmother. My Mother
           had a folk trio with her two brothers that would sing at family gatherings with soul-touching
          three-part harmony. My grandmother was a classically trained soprano that used to breeze
          around the house singing lilting German opera passages. The joy that I saw in them, and the
          joy and connection that they brought to us through music, was exhilarating!

           MH: OnesAll band also performs many covers during their show. Tell us about that side
           of the band.

           Brock Lange: We've all played in both original and cover bands before, so we know the different
          dynamic  between  the  two.  It  can  be  hard  as  an  original  musician  to  get  buy-in  from  the
           audience. As a cover band, we're able to easily connect with people through the songs that we
           all love. Once we've built that relationship, it makes it a lot easier to introduce our own music
           and have it appreciated more. It's almost a cheat code, but we definitely see it as a win-win.

          Kathi McKay: All creatives and songwriters start with the familiar. Practicing the art of the greats
          is just a means to an end for us. Covering great songs is like learning to paint by applying the
          techniques of Michangelo or to write by studying Shakespeare. Our cover material allows us
           to  study  the  art  of  music.  Playing  covers  also  allows  us  the  chance  to  practice  the  art  of
           performance. We are just practicing the art, so we can apply those techniques to our original
           songs. The covers are not the end, they are just a vehicle to practice and learn how to apply
           what we have learned to our original material.

           MH: In your precious off time, what does each member of the band like to do?

           Kathi  McKay:  Besides  planning  and  attending  all  the  family  parties  and  get  togethers  for
          fourteen of us, we all have our ‘own musical thing’ going on. All of us teach our respective
          instruments. We have a family (surprise) teaching/recording studio (
          and have collectively taught hundreds of students over the years. For one of my solo projects,
          I just finished a meditative CD ‘HEALING SOL,’ using the Solfeggio healing frequencies.

           John Stafford: In addition to our family and our private students, Kathi, Jordan, and I also write
           music for Independent Film and other projects for hire.

           Jordan Stafford: I have a month-old newborn that is the delight of my life. Other than that, I
           have  my  own  project  that  I  like  to  experiment  with  called  SONIC  CHEMIST.
           ( I am searching for the mysteries within music
           and how I can write and produce a quality music library.

          Brock Lange: John and I have a fun side project, TURBOVIPER, a synthwave/metal band.
          Each    track    is   inspired   by    a    different   action   movie    of   the    80's.
          ( When I'm not making music, I am busy being a
           father of three, working in education, and going to the gym.
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