Page 7 - JanFeb 2023_ION Indie Magazine
P. 7

Google can be your best friend or your worst
                                            enemy. I rolled the dice and searched “Best
                                            Upcoming Band in Arizona, pop, rock, indie,
                                            punk.” And what I got in results is all that and
                                            more with Arizona’s Brace Yourself. I found
                                            these guys all over social media, so I started
                                            with Apple Music, and I loved what I heard!
                                            “Hypnotize” is such a powerful, in-your-face,
                                            semi-romantic song. Then I moved on and
                                            watched a few of their videos, and I really
                                            loved their video presentation of “Hypnotize”
                                            and “Last July.” So, I sent a quick message
                                            to the band and a few days later, we were
                                            done…interview,  promo  shoot,  and  lots  of
                                            laughs! These guys were easy to work with
                                            and  even  though  we  were  running  out  of
                                            light, we completed the shoot in 18 minutes.

                                           These  fellows  are  based  out  of  Tucson,
                                           Arizona and are following in the footsteps of
                                           A  Day  to  Remember,  Four  Year  Strong,  I
                                           Prevail,  and  more.  Brace  Yourself  puts  a
                                           fresh spin on familiar genres. Being new to
                                           the  scene,  the  band  has  received
                                           tremendous  support  up  to  this  point,
                                           showcasing their strengths with their debut
                                           material. With many influences amongst the
                                           members, there is no telling what this band
                                           can produce.
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