Page 9 - ION Indie Magazine MayJune 2020 Issue
P. 9
Lindsay Ann Snyder: Tell us a little bit about DLR: My creative process typically starts
yourself and what first got you into music. with what I call a ‘visit from the Muse.’ I am
intruded upon by something outside
Debra Lynn Rodriguez: I am a dreamer, a myself with an idea. The idea becomes an
risk-taker, and an idealist to the highest obsession until I’ve expressed it in some
degree. The chase of something more way. This stage of the process rarely is
mysterious and more wonderful than shared with anyone, not even my closest
anything I have seen keeps me going. collaborators or my wife. At some point,
Music is how I connect to that Mystery and the Muse lets me be and the idea lies quiet
how I connect to the world and all the in my notes until I come back to try and
beautiful people in it. I come from a family make sense of it. At this point, I become
and faith tradition whose mode of an editor. Usually, if I have a few of these
communication and connection IS music. dormant inspirations, I’ll lock myself away
This is how we express our love for each for a few days and work diligently to
other, for God, and for our world. This is how organize them into complete songs and
we know we have existed, how we know maybe even a collection if they happen
we were here. to go together (they often do). At this
point, I set my sights on a recording
LAS: How would you describe the music that project, but I also start playing the songs
you typically create? live for an audience. I don’t know if this is
typical for all artists or not, but for me, a
DLR: I call my sound ‘Appalachian Soul song isn’t ‘done’ until the audience has
Music.’ My roots are in Gospel, bluegrass, weighed in. They show me what the song
blues, and rock and roll, and I think you can is really about. We create a finished
expect to hear all of those anytime you product together, and honestly, this
hear my music. I only know one way to continues long after a song is recorded
perform -- with every last fiber of my being - and released.
- and that’s exactly what you’ll get every
single time. LAS: Who are some of your favorite
musicians? If given the opportunity, with
LAS: What is your creative process like? whom would you most like to collaborate?