Page 112 - ION Indie Magazine JulyAugust 2022
P. 112
Tim Board: For someone who has not heard YouTube (soon to be on podcasting platforms)
of Anastasia Elliot, how would you describe called ‘The Purple Sessions,’ where I interview
your music? fascinating people about creativity and mental
health. For anyone who is feeling stuck, I think
Anastasia Elliot: Alternative rock with pop there are many conversations on my show that
melodies blended in. I also sprinkle in elements will inspire you to both accept and not judge your
of classical music and operatic vocal stylings. If circumstances and to feel empowered to take
you like dramatic music with catchy melodies control of them and keep building the necessary
and big vocals, I am perfect for you! resilience to do a creative job.
TB: What got you interested in being a TB: You hosted a panel at the National
musician and pursuing it as a career? Association of Music Merchants on the
future of technology for independent
AE: Growing up around the opera and musicians. How are ways independent
symphony is what made me fall in love with musicians can take advantage of technology
music. Being a musician has always been my to help them with their craft, their careers?
north star and the only career path right for me
in my mind. AE: Technology can assist us in many ways! I
think staying educated on the ever-changing
TB: There is a line in your bio that states your landscape of tech is a great way to be able to
way of life is about finding outlets that allow hop on things early on and use them to your
you to stay open and inspired, that prevent advantage. In my NAMM panel, we spoke at
you from becoming stuck. What do you mean length about how to use technology to enhance
by this? your live performances and create an
experience for the audience. I think NFTs are
AE: I try to constantly be learning new skills and also something that can be a very empowering
putting limits on my creativity. I always want to things for independent creators and that is
try new things and push the boundaries of what something that I am spending a lot of time
I can do. Whether it’s through music, fashion learning about. I think the greatest gift of
design, knitting, becoming a henna artist, or technology at the moment for independent
learning how to pole dance, I am always looking musicians is our ability to find resources to learn
for new outlets to stretch me. That’s what helps how to do things for ourselves that maybe
me innovate and evolve as an artist and person. weren’t available even five years ago. The great
I am always working on myself internally as well. world of Google and YouTube can feel
Understanding my mental health and deep overwhelming, but you can learn how to do
diving into the layers of who I am so that I am almost anything with a quick search and some
always open and ready to receive and execute time. I learn new skills every day that help me to
inspiration when it comes. achieve my visions.
TB: Have you felt stuck in the music TB: Your latest single ‘London’ was released
business? earlier this year. What is the story behind
this song?
AE: Of course! The music business is a very
hard business and it’s not really built around the AE: ‘London’ is the third single off of my
mental health of artists. I think it’s made up of upcoming LP, ‘La Petite Mort.’ It’s a song about
high peaks and low lows. I have had my fair soulmates and loving someone through many
share of feeling stuck at times. I find that I just lifetimes with the twist of the other person not
have to stay focused on creating and try my best remembering you or feeling the same way. The
not to worry about the outside factors that I have ultimate unrequited love and how manic that can
little control over. I started an interview series on make you feel.