Page 107 - 2020 Statistical Abstract
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Table 4.3: Fall 2019 Reported SAT and ACT Scores
                                  Out-of-State First-Time Undergraduates at Public Institutions

                                                                                                            SAT Scores                    ACT Scores
                                            # Reported   # Reported   # Reported   No SAT or ACT   Total  % Reporting  Verbal  Mean  Math Mean  Combined Mean  % Reporting  Mean
                                            SAT Only  ACT Only  SAT and ACT  Score
        Research Institutions
           Clemson                             961       700                          1,661     57.9%       660       681      1340     42.1%      30.2
           USC Columbia                       1,803     1,187                 41      3,031     59.5%       656       672      1328     39.2%      29.5
                             Research Subtotal
                                              2,764     1,887        0        41      4,692     58.9%       658       675      1332     40.2%      29.8
        Comprehensive Teaching Institutions
           The Citadel                         198       113                   6        317     62.5%       585       581      1165     35.6%      24.4
           Coastal Carolina                    782       448                  50      1,280     61.1%       555       547      1102     35.0%      22.9
           College of Charleston               627       405         8         2      1,042     60.9%       603       584      1186     39.6%      26.1
           Francis Marion                       16         4         4         4        28      71.4%       550       542      1092     28.6%      21.6
           Lander University                    65        28                   7        100     65.0%       538       533      1071     28.0%      23.7
           SC State                             30        12        11                  53      77.4%       502       485       987     43.4%      17.8
           USC Aiken                            50         9        15         1        75      86.7%       524       522      1047     32.0%      20.3
           USC Beaufort                         48        22        10         1        81      71.6%       531       521      1053     39.5%      19.9
           USC Upstate                          35        17         8        17        77      55.8%       534       537      1071     32.5%      22.0
           Winthrop                             70        44                   6        120     58.3%       559       547      1107     36.7%      23.8
                         Comprehensive Subtotal
                                              1,921     1,102       56        94      3,173     62.3%       570       558      1128     36.5%      24.0
        Two-Year Regional Campuses of USC
           USC Lancaster                         2         2                             4      50.0%       465       485       950     50.0%      19.0
           USC Salkehatchie                     13        13         1        10        37      37.8%       484       471       954     37.8%      17.4
           USC Sumter                            9         8         3         2        22      54.5%       538       500      1038     50.0%      19.5
           USC Union                             8         6                   2        16      50.0%       521       498      1019     37.5%      17.3
                          Regional USC Subtotal
                                                32        29         4        14        79      45.6%       509       487       996     41.8%      18.2
                Public Institution Total      4,717     3,018       60       149      7,944    60.1%       620       625       1245     38.7%      27.4

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