Page 143 - 2020 Statistical Abstract
P. 143
Finance Terminology
Educational and General (E&G) – The educational and general operations of an institution, including instruction, research, public service,
academic support, student services, institutional support, operation and maintenance of physical plant, etc.
Fiscal Year (FY) – The fiscal year as measured by the CHE aligns with the State of South Carolina’s fiscal year which starts on July 1 and runs to
June 30 of the following year. The 2018-19 fiscal year includes any financial data reported to the CHE for August 2018 to June 2019; this
corresponds to the following academic semesters: Summer II 2018, Fall 2018, Spring 2019, Summer I 2019.
State Appropriation – The amount of money set aside by the South Carolina General Assembly annually to fund a specific program or service for
the citizens of the State.
State General Fund (GF) Revenue – The primary fund through which the State of South Carolina funds programs and services for the citizens of
the State.