Page 140 - 2020 Statistical Abstract
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Table 6.7: Number of Undergraduate Students Receiving Educational Fee Waivers
                                                                   by Academic Year

                                              2016-17     2017-18    2018-19
         Research Institutions                                                                                           2016-17    2017-18    2018-19
              Clemson                            2,929      3,121       3,194      Technical Colleges
              USC Columbia                       3,917      3,802       4,223           Aiken                                58         62          49
              MUSC                                                                      Central Carolina                    233         204        223
                                Research Subtotal
                                                 6,846      6,923       7,417           Denmark                             246          8           7
         Comprehensive Teaching Institutions                                            Florence - Darlington              1,664      1,296        392
              The Citadel                          60          44         55            Greenville                         1,816      1,842      1,922
              Coastal Carolina                   1,571      1,560       4,764           Horry - Georgetown                   45         44          23
              College of Charleston              3,026      3,389       3,478           Midlands
              Francis Marion                       51          49         31            Northeastern                        166         24          90
              Lander                              221         227        490            Orangeburg - Calhoun                862         806        837
              SC State                            120         159        147            Piedmont                           1,189        941        760
              USC Aiken                           213         254        290            Spartanburg CC                      954       1,083      1,013
              USC Beaufort                        263         317        326            TC of The Lowcountry                406         664        722
              USC Upstate                         432         409        438            Tri-County                           81         116        102
              Winthrop                            204         201        196            Trident                             574         663        917
                            Comprehensive Subtotal
                                                 6,161      6,609      10,215           Williamsburg                        320        340         364
         Two-Year Regional Campuses of USC                                              York                                630         500        591
              USC Lancaster                       742          68         91                             Technical Subtotal  9,244    8,593      8,012
              USC Salkehatchie                    345          55        123
              USC Sumter                          199         194        282                Public Institution Total      24,137      22,487     26,199
              USC Union                           600          45         59
                             Regional USC Subtotal  1,886     362        555
         table continues to next column

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