Page 135 - 2020 Statistical Abstract
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Table 6.2: Ten-Year Trend in Tuition and Required Fees
                                               In-State, Full-Time Undergraduate Students

                                                                                                                                % Change
                                                                                                                         10 Year  5 Year  1 Year
                                         2010-11  2011-12  2012-13  2013-14  2014-15  2015-16  2016-17  2017-18  2018-19  2019-20  2019-20  2019-20  2019-20
                                                                                                                        over 2010-11  over 2015-16  over 2018-19
                  Research Institutions
                     Clemson              $11,854  $12,304  $12,674  $13,054  $13,446  $13,882  $14,318  $14,712  $14,970  $15,120  27.6%  8.9%  1.0%
                     USC Columbia 1       $9,786  $10,168  $10,488  $10,816  $11,158  $11,482  $11,856  $12,262  $12,616  $12,688  29.7%  10.5%  0.6%
                     MUSC 2               $13,729  $14,026  $14,316  $14,531  $13,583  $13,767  $14,118  $13,917  $14,018  $14,318  4.3%  4.0%  2.1%
                  Comprehensive Teaching Institutions
                     The Citadel          $9,871  $10,216  $10,523  $10,838  $11,098  $11,364  $11,734  $12,626  $13,036  $13,115  32.9%  15.4%  0.6%
                     Coastal Carolina     $9,390  $9,760  $9,760  $9,760  $10,220  $10,530  $10,876  $11,200  $11,536  $11,640  24.0%  10.5%  0.9%
                     College of Charleston  $9,616  $9,616  $9,918  $10,230  $10,558  $10,900  $11,386  $11,998  $12,418  $12,518  30.2%  14.8%  0.8%
                     Francis  Marion      $8,480  $8,802  $9,102  $9,432  $9,782  $10,100  $10,453  $10,867  $11,160  $11,120  31.1%  10.1%  -0.4%
                     Lander               $9,144  $9,504  $9,792  $10,100  $10,418  $10,752  $11,200  $11,700  $11,700  $11,700  28.0%  8.8%  0.0%
                     SC State             $8,898  $9,258  $9,258  $9,776  $10,089  $10,088  $10,420  $10,740  $11,060  $11,060  24.3%  9.6%  0.0%
                     USC Aiken            $8,374  $8,700  $8,974  $9,258  $9,552  $9,878  $10,196  $10,502  $10,710  $10,710  27.9%  8.4%  0.0%
                     USC Beaufort         $7,806  $8,108  $8,508  $8,922  $9,354  $9,848  $10,166  $10,472  $10,680  $10,680  36.8%  8.4%  0.0%
                     USC Upstate          $9,072  $9,426  $9,722  $10,028  $10,348  $10,718  $11,190  $11,520  $11,488  $11,488  26.6%  7.2%  0.0%
                     Winthrop             $12,176  $12,656  $13,026  $13,430  $13,812  $14,156  $14,510  $14,870  $15,230  $15,306  25.7%  8.1%  0.5%
                  Two-Year Regional Campuses of USC
                     USC Lancaster        $5,864  $6,092  $6,284  $6,482  $6,686  $7,008  $7,232  $7,478  $7,558  $7,558  28.9%    7.8%    0.0%
                     USC Salkehatchie     $5,864  $6,092  $6,284  $6,482  $6,686  $6,918  $7,233  $7,478  $7,558  $7,558  28.9%    9.3%    0.0%
                     USC Sumter           $5,864  $6,092  $6,284  $6,482  $6,686  $6,928  $7,152  $7,438  $7,558  $7,558  28.9%    9.1%    0.0%
                     USC Union            $5,864  $6,092  $6,284  $6,482  $6,686  $6,908  $7,132  $7,388  $7,558  $7,558  28.9%    9.4%    0.0%
                  Technical  Colleges
                     Aiken                $3,706  $3,722  $3,866  $3,972  $4,098  $4,262  $4,348  $4,468  $4,656  $4,646  25.4%    9.0%    -0.2%
                     Central Carolina     $3,380  $3,476  $3,584  $3,720  $3,840  $4,200  $4,320  $4,440  $4,608  $4,752  40.6%   13.1%    3.1%
                     Denmark              $2,500  $2,500  $2,568  $2,568  $2,624  $3,580  $3,787  $4,440  $4,566  $4,566  82.6%   27.5%    0.0%
                     Florence - Darlington   $3,526  $3,658  $3,766  $3,886  $3,958  $4,078  $4,174  $4,270  $4,462  $4,606  30.6%  12.9%  3.2%
                     Greenville           $3,616  $3,748  $3,866  $3,974  $4,094  $4,224  $4,326  $4,422  $4,590  $4,618  27.7%    9.3%    0.6%
                     Horry - Georgetown   $3,357  $3,530  $3,530  $3,590  $3,854  $3,960  $4,036  $4,108  $4,252  $4,322  28.7%    9.1%    1.6%
                     Midlands             $3,680  $3,706  $3,788  $3,838  $3,888  $3,988  $4,064  $4,318  $4,530  $4,788  30.1%   20.1%    5.7%
                     Northeastern         $3,342  $3,438  $3,534  $3,630  $3,726  $3,846  $4,090  $4,110  $4,158  $4,488  34.3%   16.7%    7.9%
                     Orangeburg - Calhoun   $3,434  $3,554  $3,650  $3,770  $3,890  $4,010  $4,130  $4,250  $4,466  $4,560  32.8%  13.7%   2.1%
                     Piedmont             $3,540  $3,572  $3,714  $3,850  $3,958  $4,084  $4,228  $4,300  $4,456  $4,532  28.0%   11.0%    1.7%
                     Spartanburg CC       $3,576  $3,740  $3,820  $3,940  $4,064  $4,192  $4,300  $4,444  $4,662  $4,632  29.5%   10.5%    -0.6%
                     TC of the Lowcountry   $3,556  $3,676  $3,772  $3,940  $4,060  $4,180  $4,276  $4,516  $4,684  $4,752  33.6%  13.7%   1.5%
                     Tri - County         $3,465  $3,570  $3,648  $3,744  $3,852  $3,967  $4,050  $4,172  $4,327  $4,448  28.4%   12.1%    2.8%
                     Trident              $3,530  $3,600  $3,712  $3,823  $3,942  $4,070  $4,156  $4,280  $4,439  $4,528  28.3%   11.3%    2.0%
                     Williamsburg         $3,264  $3,438  $3,540  $3,650  $3,756  $4,008  $4,080  $4,224  $4,368  $4,488  37.5%   12.0%    2.7%
                     York                 $3,496  $3,628  $3,712  $3,744  $3,840  $3,960  $4,056  $4,176  $4,344  $4,532  29.6%   14.4%    4.3%
                  Sector Averages
                     Research Institutions  $11,790  $12,166  $12,493  $12,800  $12,729  $13,044  $13,431  $13,630  $13,868  $14,042  19.1%  7.7%  1.3%
                     Comprehensive Teaching Institutions  $9,283  $9,605  $9,858  $10,177  $10,523  $10,833  $11,213  $11,650  $11,902  $11,934  28.6%  10.2%  0.3%
                     All 4-Year Public Institutions  $9,861  $10,196  $10,466  $10,783  $11,032  $11,343  $11,725  $12,107  $12,356  $12,420  26.0%  9.5%  0.5%
                     2-Year Regional Campuses of USC  $5,864  $6,092  $6,284  $6,482  $6,686  $6,941  $7,187  $7,446  $7,558  $7,558  28.9%  8.9%  0.0%
                     Technical Colleges   $3,436  $3,535  $3,629  $3,727  $3,840  $4,038  $4,151  $4,309  $4,473  $4,579  33.3%   13.4%    2.4%
                     All 2-Year Public Institutions  $3,921  $4,046  $4,160  $4,278  $4,409  $4,619  $4,759  $4,936  $5,090  $5,175  32.0%  12.0%  1.7%
                  1 Excludes Medicine, Law, and Pharmacy.
                  2 Excludes Medicine, Dentistry, and Pharmacy.  Includes Nursing and Health Professionals.
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