Page 136 - 2020 Statistical Abstract
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Table 6.3: Ten-Year Trend in Tuition and Required Fees
Out-of-State, Full-Time Undergraduate Students
% Change
10 Year 5 Year 1 Year
2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2019-20 2019-20 2019-20
over 2010-11 over 2015-16 over 2018-19
Research Institutions
Clemson $27,420 $28,462 $29,600 $30,488 $31,462 $32,800 $34,200 $35,654 $36,724 $38,112 39.0% 16.2% 3.8%
USC Columbia 1 $25,362 $26,352 $27,644 $28,528 $29,440 $30,298 $31,284 $32,362 $33,298 $33,928 33.8% 12.0% 1.9%
MUSC 2 $21,423 $22,717 $23,105 $22,065 $18,585 $18,714 $19,831 $18,934 $19,425 $19,725 -7.9% 5.4% 1.5%
Comprehensive Teaching Institutions
The Citadel $24,800 $27,033 $28,776 $29,639 $30,706 $31,780 $32,812 $34,389 $35,508 $36,396 46.8% 14.5% 2.5%
Coastal Carolina $20,270 $21,560 $22,050 $22,770 $23,560 $24,320 $25,120 $25,872 $26,648 $27,394 35.1% 12.6% 2.8%
College of Charleston $23,172 $24,330 $25,304 $26,694 $27,548 $28,444 $29,544 $30,386 $31,600 $32,848 41.8% 15.5% 3.9%
Francis Marion $16,625 $17,256 $17,810 $18,410 $19,048 $19,668 $20,333 $21,043 $21,544 $21,544 29.6% 9.5% 0.0%
Lander $17,304 $17,976 $18,552 $19,136 $19,738 $20,370 $20,300 $21,300 $21,300 $21,300 23.1% 4.6% 0.0%
SC State $17,470 $18,170 $18,170 $18,910 $19,856 $19,856 $20,500 $21,120 $21,750 $21,750 24.5% 9.5% 0.0%
USC Aiken $16,542 $17,188 $17,730 $18,290 $18,876 $19,472 $20,102 $20,702 $21,168 $21,168 28.0% 8.7% 0.0%
USC Beaufort $16,572 $17,220 $17,906 $18,774 $19,374 $19,982 $20,630 $21,248 $21,726 $21,726 31.1% 8.7% 0.0%
USC Upstate $18,144 $18,852 $19,444 $20,056 $20,698 $21,368 $22,188 $22,848 $22,990 $22,990 26.7% 7.6% 0.0%
Winthrop $22,892 $23,796 $24,476 $26,000 $26,738 $27,404 $28,090 $28,786 $29,486 $29,636 29.5% 8.1% 0.5%
Two-Year Regional Campuses of USC
USC Lancaster $14,144 $14,696 $15,158 $15,632 $16,130 $16,728 $17,264 $17,858 $18,238 $18,238 28.9% 9.0% 0.0%
USC Salkehatchie $14,144 $14,696 $15,158 $15,632 $16,130 $16,638 $17,265 $17,858 $18,238 $18,238 28.9% 9.6% 0.0%
USC Sumter $14,144 $14,696 $15,158 $15,632 $16,130 $16,648 $17,184 $17,818 $18,238 $18,238 28.9% 9.6% 0.0%
USC Union $14,144 $14,696 $15,158 $15,632 $16,130 $16,628 $17,164 $17,768 $18,238 $18,238 28.9% 9.7% 0.0%
Technical Colleges
Aiken $10,130 $10,130 $10,130 $10,130 $10,178 $6,496 $6,638 $6,830 $6,850 $6,880 -32.1% 5.9% 0.4%
Central Carolina $5,872 $6,042 $6,232 $6,432 $6,624 $6,768 $7,200 $7,416 $7,704 $7,944 35.3% 17.4% 3.1%
Denmark $4,780 $4,780 $4,920 $4,920 $5,048 $6,850 $6,458 $8,640 $8,892 $8,892 86.0% 29.8% 0.0%
Florence - Darlington $5,622 $5,754 $5,862 $5,982 $6,046 $6,166 $6,262 $6,406 $6,598 $6,742 19.9% 9.3% 2.2%
Greenville $7,372 $7,660 $7,910 $8,150 $8,438 $8,448 $8,550 $8,766 $9,102 $9,410 27.6% 11.4% 3.4%
Horry - Georgetown $5,354 $5,794 $5,794 $6,294 $6,726 $6,918 $7,948 $8,092 $8,380 $8,620 61.0% 24.6% 2.9%
Midlands $10,640 $10,714 $10,940 $11,086 $11,234 $11,524 $11,744 $12,478 $13,074 $13,812 29.8% 19.9% 5.6%
Northeastern $5,886 $5,982 $6,078 $6,174 $6,342 $6,462 $6,802 $6,870 $6,918 $7,350 24.9% 13.7% 6.2%
Orangeburg - Calhoun $6,218 $6,218 $6,218 $6,458 $6,602 $6,746 $6,890 $7,010 $7,226 $7,370 18.5% 9.2% 2.0%
Piedmont $5,148 $5,180 $5,322 $5,458 $5,710 $5,836 $6,148 $6,220 $6,448 $6,628 28.7% 13.6% 2.8%
Spartanburg CC $7,338 $7,616 $7,716 $7,956 $8,208 $8,472 $8,692 $8,956 $9,342 $9,582 30.6% 13.1% 2.6%
TC of the Lowcountry $7,760 $8,020 $8,212 $8,548 $8,812 $9,076 $9,268 $9,676 $10,036 $10,396 34.0% 14.5% 3.6%
Tri - County $7,767 $7,944 $8,124 $8,328 $8,568 $8,815 $9,042 $9,356 $9,751 $10,040 29.3% 13.9% 3.0%
Trident $6,682 $6,814 $7,000 $7,209 $7,434 $7,676 $7,838 $8,073 $8,372 $8,606 28.8% 12.1% 2.8%
Williamsburg $6,282 $6,642 $6,840 $7,056 $7,260 $7,608 $7,752 $8,016 $8,280 $8,400 33.7% 10.4% 1.4%
York $7,864 $8,176 $8,392 $8,520 $8,736 $9,024 $9,240 $9,336 $9,504 $9,836 25.1% 9.0% 3.5%
Sector Averages
Research Institutions $24,735 $25,844 $26,783 $27,027 $26,496 $27,271 $28,438 $28,983 $29,816 $30,588 23.7% 12.2% 2.6%
Comprehensive Teaching Institutions $19,379 $20,338 $21,022 $21,868 $22,614 $23,266 $23,962 $24,769 $25,372 $25,675 32.5% 10.4% 1.2%
All 4-Year Public Institutions $20,615 $21,609 $22,351 $23,058 $23,510 $24,190 $24,995 $25,742 $26,397 $26,809 30.0% 10.8% 1.6%
2-Year Regional Campuses of USC $14,144 $14,696 $15,158 $15,632 $16,130 $16,661 $17,219 $17,826 $18,238 $18,238 28.9% 9.5% 0.0%
Technical Colleges $6,920 $7,092 $7,231 $7,419 $7,623 $7,680 $7,905 $8,259 $8,530 $8,782 26.9% 14.3% 3.0%
All 2-Year Public Institutions $8,365 $8,613 $8,816 $9,061 $9,324 $9,476 $9,767 $10,172 $10,471 $10,673 27.6% 12.6% 1.9%
Excludes Medicine, Law, and Pharmacy.
2 Excludes Medicine, Dentistry, and Pharmacy. Includes Nursing and Health Professionals.