Page 132 - 2020 Statistical Abstract
P. 132
Tuition and Fees Terminology
Abatement – A tuition abatement is when an out-of-state student receives a waiver on part, or all, of the out-of-state tuition fee. Complete details of
the abatement process can be found in Section 59-112-70 of the 1976 State Code. South Carolina public colleges and universities can
award individual abatements to undergraduate students for three reasons:
a) for students who are recipients of scholarship aid
b) for students who are participating in an international sister-state agreement program which the Governor and the General Assembly
have entered to promote the economic development of South Carolina
c) when institutions have established an ongoing relationship in one or more degree programs with an international institution that includes
regular arrangements for the enrollment of qualified students and the exchange of faculty between the institutions
Board Charges – The charges assessed to students during an academic year for meals.
Debt Service – The amount set aside annually in a fund to pay the interest and the part of the principal due on the Institution’s bond and note debt.
Dedicated Fees – Fees committed for a specific use of the funds collected. These funds may be carried forward year to year.
Educational and General (E&G) – The educational and general operations of an institution, including instruction, research, public service,
academic support, student services, institutional support, operation and maintenance of physical plant, etc.
Educational Fee Waiver – The CHE collects data on the total number of undergraduate students each academic year, in-state and out-of-state,
who receive any fee waiver from the institution. The type of fee waivers offered vary by institution.
In-State Rate – Pursuant to SC Code of Laws 59-112-10, et seq, and Reg. 62.600, SC residents for fee purposes including limited statutory
exceptions for certain persons and their dependents residing or working in SC or for which SC has statutory reciprocal arrangements
enabling SC students to attend institutions outside of SC at In-State rates. In-State includes the following categories as coded in CHEMIS for
Fee Purposes: