Page 80 - 2020 Statistical Abstract
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Table 2.1: Ten-Year Trend in Degrees Awarded
                                                        Fiscal Years 2009-10 to 2018-19

                                                                   All Degree Levels

                                                                                                                                           % Change
                                        2009-10   2010-11  2011-12   2012-13  2013-14  2014-15   2015-16  2016-17   2017-18  2018-19   2018-19   2018-19
                                                                                                                                      over 2009-10  over 2017-18
         Research Institutions
              Clemson                     4,560     4,518    4,732     5,087    5,210     5,564    5,702     6,047    6,571    6,731    47.6%      2.4%
              USC Columbia                6,546     7,041    7,161     7,241    7,470     8,004    8,059     8,536    8,878    9,006    37.6%      1.4%
              MUSC                          835      797      793       877      929       937     1,022    1,051     1,007    1,007    20.6%      0.0%
                            Research Subtotal
                                          11,941   12,356    12,686   13,205   13,609    14,505   14,783    15,634   16,456    16,744   40.2%      1.8%
         Comprehensive Teaching Institutions
              The Citadel                   729      831      790       860      821       980     1,057    1,025     1,025    1,027    40.9%      0.2%
              Coastal Carolina            1,381     1,499    1,580     1,709    1,785     1,902    1,853     2,095    2,143    2,211    60.1%      3.2%
              College of Charleston       2,466     2,215    2,351     2,466    2,487     2,565    2,654     2,405    2,468    2,483     0.7%      0.6%
              Francis Marion                606      623      636       668      655       667      697       726      660      682     12.5%      3.3%
              Lander                        481      446      469       495      583       494      461       482      527       553    15.0%      4.9%
              SC State                      740      723      742       714      738       631      577       471      415      466     -37.0%    12.3%
              USC Aiken                     512      505      537       552      536       501      522       507      558      574     12.1%      2.9%
              USC Beaufort                  188      219      261       278      244       265      298       349      322      355     88.8%     10.2%
              USC Upstate                 1,032     1,088    1,109     1,132    1,181     1,109    1,176     1,226    1,289    1,299    25.9%      0.8%
              Winthrop                    1,251     1,287    1,351     1,336    1,297     1,247    1,315     1,354    1,358    1,337     6.9%     -1.5%
                         Comprehensive Subtotal
                                          9,386     9,436    9,826    10,210   10,327    10,361   10,610    10,640   10,765    10,987   17.1%      2.1%
         Two-Year Regional Campuses of USC
              USC Lancaster                 151      129      132       160      134       134      108       168      144      137      -9.3%    -4.9%
              USC Salkehatchie              121      146      147       172      211       222      150       157      189      164     35.5%    -13.2%
              USC Sumter                    71        91       78        93       92       103      120       112      145      132     85.9%     -9.0%
              USC Union                     47        49       69        72       53        50       50       62        63       91     93.6%     44.4%
                          Regional USC Subtotal
                                            390      415      426       497      490       509      428       499      541      524     34.4%     -3.1%
         Technical Colleges
              Aiken                         533      740      687       678      703       479      498       460      455      450     -15.6%    -1.1%
              Central Carolina              702      647      859       673      612       653      661       614      661       672     -4.3%     1.7%
              Denmark                       223      197      351       499      366       307      147       160      150       127    -43.0%   -15.3%
              Florence - Darlington         758      817      845       856      856       981      959       840      813       769     1.5%     -5.4%
              Greenville                  2,531     2,959    2,824     2,392    2,252     2,311    2,416     2,040    2,084    2,190    -13.5%     5.1%
              Horry - Georgetown          1,140     1,482    1,478     1,628    1,582     1,674    1,573     1,551    1,442    1,514    32.8%      5.0%
              Midlands                    1,786     1,914    2,161     1,935    2,066     1,987    1,977     2,345    2,108    2,125    19.0%      0.8%
              Northeastern                  301      240      274       291      284       294      222       257      241      180     -40.2%   -25.3%
              Orangeburg - Calhoun          418      512      443       513      434       526     1,007      711      707       689    64.8%     -2.5%
              Piedmont                      925     1,081    1,157     1,130    1,007     1,020    1,119      987     1,011    1,100    18.9%      8.8%
              Spartanburg CC                624      767      809       779      857       755      840       731      751      660      5.8%    -12.1%
              TC of The Lowcountry          447      448      475       421      426       529      516       465      436       332    -25.7%   -23.9%
              Tri-County                    884     1,060    1,311     1,142    1,663     1,199    1,273     1,912    2,026    2,252    154.8%    11.2%
              Trident                     1,905     2,251    2,645     3,569    3,298     3,331    3,053     2,892    2,525    2,073     8.8%    -17.9%
              Williamsburg                  144      181      169       121      127       158      202       146      133      110     -23.6%   -17.3%
              York                          920     1,042     943       765      783       840      934       854     1,012    1,250    35.9%     23.5%
                           Technical Subtotal  14,241  16,338  17,431  17,392  17,316    17,044   17,397    16,965   16,555    16,493   15.8%     -0.4%
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