Page 82 - 2020 Statistical Abstract
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Table 2.2: Fiscal Year 2018-19 Total Degrees Awarded
                                                                    by Degree Level

                                                                                     Post                                 Doctor's   Doctor's   Institution
                                            Certificates  Diplomas  Associate's  Bachelor's  Master's  Post Master's  Specialist  Research/   Professional   Total
                                                                                                                          Scholarship  Practice
            Research Institutions
                 Clemson                        155                         4,648       89      1,518      19        59       243              6,731
                 USC Columbia                    17                         6,022      249      1,750      18        31       431       488    9,006
                 MUSC                                                        223         1       322        2                 150       309    1,007
                                Research Subtotal
                                                172        0         0     10,893      339      3,590      39        90       824       797   16,744
            Comprehensive Teaching Institutions
                 The Citadel                                                 612       100       301                 14                        1,027
                 Coastal Carolina                                           1,892        2       300                 17                        2,211
                 College of Charleston                                      2,245       28       210                                           2,483
                 Francis Marion                                              527                 136                 12                  7      682
                 Lander                           2                          514                  37                                            553
                 SC State                                                    333                 106                 13        14               466
                 USC Aiken                                                   540                  34                                            574
                 USC Beaufort                     1                  1       353                                                                355
                 USC Upstate                                                1,274        6        19                                           1,299
                 Winthrop                                                    995        21       305        4        12                        1,337
                             Comprehensive Subtotal
                                                  3        0         1      9,285      157      1,448       4        68        14        7    10,987
            Two-Year Regional Campuses of USC
                 USC Lancaster                                      137                                                                         137
                 USC Salkehatchie                                   164                                                                         164
                 USC Sumter                                         132                                                                         132
                 USC Union                                          91                                                                           91
                              Regional USC Subtotal
                                                  0        0        524        0         0        0         0         0         0        0      524
            Technical Colleges
                 Aiken                          145        35       270                                                                         450
                 Central Carolina               285        34       353                                                                         672
                 Denmark                         73        17       37                                                                          127
                 Florence - Darlington          254        72       443                                                                         769
                 Greenville                     805        59     1,326                                                                        2,190
                 Horry - Georgetown             449        81       984                                                                        1,514
                 Midlands                       838        78     1,209                                                                        2,125
                 Northeastern                    60        19       101                                                                         180
                 Orangeburg - Calhoun           331        75       283                                                                         689
                 Piedmont                       380        82       638                                                                        1,100
                 Spartanburg CC                  87        50       523                                                                         660
                 TC of The Lowcountry           122        33       177                                                                         332
                 Tri-County                    1,308       99       845                                                                        2,252
                 Trident                        704        42     1,327                                                                        2,073
                 Williamsburg                    60        11       39                                                                          110
                 York                           491        93       666                                                                        1,250
                               Technical Subtotal  6,392  880     9,221        0         0        0         0         0         0        0    16,493
            table continues to next page
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