Page 98 - 2020 Statistical Abstract
P. 98

Table 3.4: Graduation Rates for Public Two-Year Institutions
                              Ten-Year Trend in Percent of First-Time, Full-Time Undergraduates

                                                 Graduating within 150% of Program Time

                                          Cohort      Cohort     Cohort     Cohort     Cohort      Cohort     Cohort     Cohort     Cohort      Cohort
                                          Fall 2007  Fall 2008  Fall 2009   Fall 2010  Fall 2011  Fall 2012  Fall 2013   Fall 2014  Fall 2015  Fall 2016
         Two-Year Regional Campuses of USC
              USC Lancaster                  23.1%      23.4%      16.7%      15.6%       18.5%      19.1%      15.8%      22.4%       22.0%      20.1%
              USC Salkehatchie               20.0%      23.5%      18.4%      23.9%       21.7%      24.7%      25.1%      22.3%       27.4%      24.3%
              USC Sumter                     7.3%        5.8%       9.0%      14.0%       12.4%      18.1%      21.9%      25.9%       27.7%      30.6%
              USC Union                      27.3%      31.6%      25.0%      29.3%       25.9%      18.6%      14.1%      13.0%       19.8%      25.5%
                          Regional USC Subtotal
                                             18.0%      19.5%      15.6%      18.4%       18.6%      20.6%      19.8%      21.8%       24.5%      24.6%
         Technical Colleges
              Aiken                          14.2%      13.7%      14.4%       9.4%       10.8%       8.9%      12.2%      12.1%       21.2%      22.9%
              Central Carolina               10.4%      19.5%      18.2%      11.1%       10.9%      10.1%      13.1%      18.7%       14.4%      14.7%
              Denmark                        13.0%      11.3%      11.8%      22.4%       12.4%      14.5%      11.4%      11.6%       14.6%      20.0%
              Florence - Darlington          13.1%      12.7%      15.5%      11.6%       7.9%        7.8%      12.1%      11.9%       11.4%      12.9%
              Greenville                     10.8%       8.0%       8.3%       8.8%       10.1%       8.4%      10.9%      11.8%       13.4%      17.1%
              Horry - Georgetown             11.7%      14.2%      13.6%      17.6%       14.6%      20.1%      23.0%      28.9%       23.9%      20.9%
              Midlands                       6.9%        7.6%       9.7%       9.9%       7.8%        8.9%       9.1%       8.7%       11.1%      11.9%
              Northeastern                   14.4%      14.1%      19.3%      14.3%       11.9%      13.9%      14.7%      19.0%       14.6%      19.3%
              Orangeburg - Calhoun           12.6%      10.4%      12.8%      10.2%       11.5%      11.4%      12.6%      18.8%       15.6%      22.7%
              Piedmont                       18.7%      13.9%      16.9%      13.2%       16.1%      17.5%      15.2%      18.7%       26.1%      19.9%
              Spartanburg CC                 9.4%       11.1%      13.2%      11.7%       12.4%      15.6%      19.1%      17.5%       18.0%      21.6%
              TC of The Lowcountry           13.9%       9.7%      10.3%       9.9%       9.7%        9.8%      10.9%      12.1%       16.5%      13.9%
              Tri-County                     9.5%        9.2%       7.9%      12.7%       18.5%      21.3%      23.7%      12.6%       22.6%      29.1%
              Trident                        7.2%        9.4%       8.1%      10.0%       10.2%      10.8%      10.5%      15.7%       13.8%      18.8%
              Williamsburg                   23.2%      10.5%       7.6%       7.5%       11.7%       6.7%      17.7%       6.1%       20.5%       7.5%
              York                           15.6%      13.0%      14.9%      12.1%       9.4%       13.1%      13.4%      12.5%       17.3%      23.1%
                             Technical Subtotal
                                             11.0%      10.6%      11.4%      11.5%       11.7%      12.9%      14.4%      14.2%       16.5%      19.4%
            Public Two-Year Institutions Total  11.5%  11.2%       11.7%      11.9%      12.1%      13.4%       14.7%      14.7%      17.1%       19.8%

   93   94   95   96   97   98   99   100   101   102   103