Page 100 - 2020 Statistical Abstract
P. 100

SAT and ACT Test Scores

                              For the 2019-20 academic year, South Carolina public four-year institutions and two-year regional

                       campuses of USC required the submission of standardized test scores for admission. In Fall 2019, 12,998

                       in-state first-time undergraduates were admitted into these public colleges and universities based in part on
                       their standardized test scores. The trend of the previous years changed in Fall 2019 with more of these

                       students reporting SAT scores (8,138 students) than ACT scores (5,742 students). Only 6.79% of students
                       reporting scores (882 students) reported scores for both standardized tests.

                              Institutions report the highest SAT verbal, SAT math score, and ACT Composite score used to

                       determine admission for a student to the CHE. All public higher education institutions in South Carolina
                       accept either SAT or ACT scores. The CHE is able to calculate the average scores based on a range of

                       student characteristics, such as race/ethnicity, and gender because the data is reported at the student level.
                       The data in Table 4.1 shows the average test scores by students’ characteristics. The remaining tables in

                       this section display average scores by institution based on student status.

   95   96   97   98   99   100   101   102   103   104   105