Page 38 - Winter 2018 Journal
P. 38
Market Appeal for Resorts in
North America Steamboat: An Early eMTB
Culturally, eMTB riders are similar to riders on regular Adopter in North America
mountain bikes, desire the same trail-based experiences,
Colorado’s Steamboat Resort is an early leader in
and value destination riding—although “purist” MTB riders
eMTB operations, paving the way for other resorts on
might argue that point. While the social impacts of intro- USFS lands.
ducing eMTBs to the trails are not discussed here, it is a In 2016, Steamboat gained approval to run a pilot
consideration for land managers looking to head off any ten- program, with Class 1 eMTBs, for resort and USFS
sion that might arise between purist and e-assist enthusiasts. staff to use eMTBs within the permit boundary. Staff
Again, many eMTB riders have been riding moun- was allowed to ride up the motorized mountain-
tain bikes for years but no longer can push their physical access roads and ride down the Steamboat Bike
limits as they have in the past. These riders are looking to Park trails. Deemed a success, the pilot program was
stay involved in a sport and experience they enjoy, with the modified for availability to the public during this past
eMTB allowing them to continue to do so. eMTBs also are summer of operations.
First and foremost, Steamboat’s eMTB program
introducing a new ridership who can’t overcome mountain
is a guided experience only, said Trevyn Newpher,
biking’s difficult fitness barrier. eMTBs lower the barrier by
who became the resort’s first bike park manager in
adding a small boost to their power output.
2014. Guests are required to sign up either for an
There is also appeal to a broader audience who are
eMTB lesson or tour, and are accompanied by a guide
looking for additional activities to participate in when who also rides an eMTB up the mountain road while
visiting a destination and/or resort setting. For example, paying close attention to mountain operations traffic.
rental, retail, and programming opportunities abound for The guide gauges the ability level of each guest
a multi-generational family looking to enjoy a ride on the and provides instruction to help improve their
same trail at the same time. eMTBs can help make that trail overall bike skills. While assessing the guest’s bike-
experience happen for all or select members of the group. handling skills, the guide has options on where to
Operation of an eMTB program complements a lift-served enter and descend Steamboat’s bike park trails within
MTB program. The eMTB assist can help the guest access Steamboat’s special use permit boundary. According
different locations of a resort or serve as the mid-moun- to Newpher, from all accounts, the guest experience
has been very good, with many return costumers,
tain assist experience. More often than not, when run-
referrals, and questions like “Can I buy this bike?” or
ning one lift for chairlift rides, sightseeing, hiking, and a
“Where can I buy one for myself?”
bike park, that lift takes guests to the top of the mountain.
Newpher says he is investigating the potential of
However, a mountaintop ride might not provide a true begin-
offering all beginner bike lessons on eMTBs. “Guests
ner MTB experience. If a “green circle” or beginner MTB get more bang for the buck when they are riding
trail has low grades and wider turns, the amount of descent the entire time during their experience,” he said.
and length of the ride is likely too much for a true beginner. “Instruction opportunities are built into the entire ride
Using an eMTB power assist to get to a lower mountain loca- experience to include skills, equipment knowledge,
tion makes mountain access less challenging, so the beginner and land access education—no waiting for a lift
rider can fully enjoy the experience and still be engaged while or shuttle like the traditional downhill experience
going uphill and along a shorter trail alignment. requires, and we can pick and choose our teaching
Similar to the progression of ski and snowboard lessons terrain very specifically.”
and terrain, progression is key to MTB experiences. eMTBs In addition, Steamboat’s eMTB demo bikes are
available for rent to be used on Steamboat Springs’
add a layer of experience that lowers the barrier of entry and
Yampa River Core Trail, the only trail legal to ride an
fills gaps for those looking to become intermediate MTB rid-
eMTB in the city bike trail network.
ers. The e-assist function can suit cross-country riders look-
Elsewhere in Colorado, the San Juan National
ing for a longer trail experience but also be a fun bike for
Forest was one of the first to authorize 13 miles
those riding bike-optimized gravity trails, with a different of Class 2 eMTB use on non-motorized trails in
center of gravity and weight. For the latter, the eMTB feels and around Purgatory Resort outside of Durango.
more planted to the ground and suspension “stiction” (static Read more about this development at https://
friction, or resistance to the start of motion) is broken, mak-
ing for a great downhill gravity flow rig. along-for-the-ride/.