Page 33 - Winter 2018 Journal
P. 33

Increase in Departmental Revenue. Average revenue       ĀɨɁˎɽ ÃƃɨǼȈȶɰ
        nationally for all major departments rose from 2015-16,
        with the strongest percentage increase for rental shops (up   ÝɥljɨƃɽȈȶǼ ĀɨɁˎɽ ÃƃɨǼȈȶ ŽȴɥɨɁʤljǁӝ Industry-wide, operating
        12.4 percent) and tickets (up 10.2 percent), followed by   profit margin was up 3.5 percentage points to 32 percent
        lessons (up 6.2 percent), retail stores (up 6.1 percent), and   nationally (figure 2). Operating profit margin increased in
        accommodations/lodging (up 5.8 percent).                all six geographic regions, most significantly in the Northeast
            Smaller increases were seen in snowplay (up 3.2 percent)   (up 11.4 percentage points) and Southeast (up 9.3 percent-
        and food and beverage (up 2.7 percent). In terms of relative   age points). Similarly, operating profit margin was up in all
        magnitude, lift tickets remain the department with the   four size groups, with the smaller two cohorts exhibiting the
        highest proportion of total revenue (at just under 50 percent   largest percentage point gain over the 2015-16 season.
        of annual revenue), followed by food and beverage, lessons,
        accommodations/lodging, retail stores, rental shops, and   ĀɨljӸěƃʯ ĀɨɁˎɽ ÃƃɨǼȈȶ Žȶƺɨljƃɰljǁӝ Nationally, pre-tax profit
        snowplay.                                               margin rose to 18.8 percent from 14.9 percent, up 3.9 per-
                                                                centage points. Similar to operating profit margins, pre-tax
        Total Operating Expenses Up Slightly. Total operating   profit margins were up in most geographies and sizes (with
        expenses nationally were up 2.3 percent from a year ago to an   high depreciation charges in the Midwest region contributing
        average of $24.2 million per ski area nationally. Several key   to a decline in pre-tax profit margin in that region).
        expense categories increased, including land use fees (up 16.4
        percent), maintenance/repairs (up 14.2 percent), direct labor
        (up 5.7 percent), other direct, and cost of goods (each up 3.8   yȈȶƃȶƺȈƃȢ ÃljɽɨȈƺɰ ƃȶǁ :ɨȈɽȈƺƃȢ ĄƃɽȈɁɰ
            On the other hand, some other major expense catego-  Increase in Total Revenue per Visit. An important metric
        ries declined, including marketing/ advertising (down 14.7   in the ski resort industry is total revenue per visit, which
        percent), general and administrative (down 7 percent), and   characterizes the extent to which ski areas derive revenue
        operating leases (down 1.6 percent).                    from a variety of sources per visitor (most importantly tickets

        Figure 1      OVERALL                        REGION                                  SIZE (VTF/H)
                $100m                                                                   22.6%                   +25%
                $90m             18.9%       2016/17      $60,010     $61,994  18.1%                     $89,523      $94,972  +20%
           ěɁɽƃȢ {ɨɁɰɰ    Ąljʤljȶʍlj  $70m  $33,120    $35,615  $20,984     $24,950  9.1%  6.4%  10.2%    $44,943  $21,603     $25,523  6.8%  11.2%  6.1%  +15%
                 $10m   7.5%               $15,440   $16,838  $8,637   $9,191  3.3%  $9,481   $10,124  $10,395     $12,740  $21,195   $23,568  +5%
                   $0                                                                                           0%
                       OVERALL   Northeast Southeast  Midwest  Mountain  Pacific  Pacific  0-7,500  10,000  10,001-  20,001+
        Figure 2    OVERALL                         REGION                                   SIZE (VTF/H)
                45%     28.5%       32.0%  2015/16  2016/17  35.6%     37.6%  34.1%          41.8%            33.2%      36.1%
           ÝɥljɨƃɽȈȶǼ    ĀɨɁˎɽ ÃƃɨǼȈȶ  20%  13.0%              24.4%            15.4%  17.9%   18.5%  26.7%     28.0%  12.5%         18.2%  20.0%          27.5%  21.0%       24.8%

                 0%                        6.1%
                      OVERALL   Northeast  Southeast  Midwest  Mountain  Pacific  Pacific  0-7,500  10,000  10,001-  20,001+
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