Page 5 - APPD - Something's_Brewing_Jan_Feb23
P. 5
                                                                     Vol.28 | January/February. 2023

               Deliciously fresh water

               from BWT Water+More

               When OK water isn’t hitting the mark it’s time to up the game. BWT Water+More’s bestcare and
               bestdrink PREMIUM with Magnesium filter system cartridges have been specifically developed
               for cold water dispensers. They provide a refreshing taste and the highest standards of hygiene.

       Water dispensers with a filtered mains water supply are       The integrated pre-filtration with a unique
       part of the standard equipment in numerous                    combination of physical filtration and active
       workplaces including the hospitality industry. Employees      carbon removes suspended solids, particles and

       can easily quench their thirst with water from                unwanted foreign odours or tastes from the
       strategically placed dispensers in the kitchen, rest room     water.An ultra-filtration membrane is also highly
       or offices. Offering still or sparkling, chilled or non-      efficient at removing bacteria and particles, the
       chilled, this type of dispenser is convenient, inexpensive    finest suspended solids and microplastics from
       if often somewhat lacklustre in the water they deliver.       the water.
       “To make sure that only the best water with an                The space-saving filter systems BWT bestdrink
       outstanding taste reaches drinking glasses, we                PREMIUM and BWT bestcare are easy to use and
       recommend optimising ordinary OK tap water with our           can be simply installed using the universal BWT

       special filter systems for cold water dispensers. They        besthead FLEX connection technology. To find
       reduce substances that impair taste, add minerals to          out more about BWT’s water for coffee, send a
       the water and ensure that it is hygienically flawless,” says  message to our Water and More team on
       William Hinton, BWT Water+More.                      or alternatively visit
                                                                     our website.
       Fresh water mineralised                                       Change the World, Sip by Sip

       Pure pleasure, sip by sip with the addition of a key          Sustainability and the environment remain hot
       mineral. The filter system BWT bestdrink PREMIUM,
       provides balanced mineralisation for inline water             topics of conversation across every industry. The
       dispensers. Using BWT Magnesium technology, they              argument of ‘doing your bit’ is as old as time but

       create filtered water that delivers the highest sensory       really listening and practising sustainable
                                                                     behaviour consistently is rare. BWT understands
       experience. In addition, thanks to integrated active
       carbon, BWT bestdrink PREMIUM removes unwanted                that their activities have both a direct and
       particles, off-flavour elements and the taste of chlorine.    indirect environmental impact and sees the
       BWT bestcare 10, the germ catcher in the filter family        protection of the environment as an integral part
                                                                     of the company’s responsibilities.
       from BWT Water+More, perfectly protects water
       dispensers from bacteria – pure water with the best           With our initiative ‘Change the World - sip by sip,’

       taste, highest hygiene standards and safety is                we have a mission to make a difference, every
       guaranteed.                                                   day, sip by sip. BWT has set itself the goal of
                                                                     offering the best quality drinking water
                                                                     everywhere in the world and are committed to
                                                                     helping the planet.
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