Page 8 - APPD - Something's_Brewing_Jan_Feb23
P. 8
                                                                     Vol.28 | January/February. 2023

              Extended Producer

              Responsibility (EPR)

       Our only gripe is that it doesn’t apply to all businesses  This is all very complicated and so we urge you to
       irrespective of size. It it did apply to all then the public  register with Defra for information here and to
       would be given the convenience of being able to drop    register for the Defra’s Forums covering EPR and their
       off their cups at any seller of drinks to go that they  other two packaging policy measures Deposit Return
       happen to be passing. We now run the risk in            Scheme (DRS) and Recycling Waste Management
       customers who do the right thing by taking back cups    consistency link here.
       having those cups refused and being discouraged         These packaging reforms are the biggest government
       from bothering again.
                                                               intervention on packaging for over 25 years and set
       All packaging from 2026 will be required to be labelled  the legislative framework for packaging for the next
       ‘Recycle’ or ‘Do not recycle’. This will make things    25 years at least. Not engaging isn’t an option for any
       clearer for householders however it means               business using packaging.
       compostable packaging will be labelled ‘do not
       recycle’. Meanwhile we have been successful in
       getting agreement that plain unbranded packaging
       need not carry the binary label. To do so would have
       added considerable cost and extended lead times.

       Of key importance is how will EPR funds be divided up
       among local authorities. Should the better performing
       ones be rewarded knowing money will be put to good
       use or should poorer performing councils receive
       disproportionately more to make the potentially
       bigger gains? Business expects to receive excellent
       value for its money. We don’t want to stand still, we
       want more recycling.
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