Page 25 - APPD_Something's_Brewing_Nov/Dec'24
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Hot Chocolate
Many operators believe they must
Seasonal hot chocolate indulgence
adhere to a basic menu in order to
maintain a low cost per cup.
Bravilor Bonamat's Bolero and
Bolero Turbo series provide
delectable coffee menus made with
soluble components from about 11
seconds each cup. The menu also
includes hot chocolate, which is a
huge plus! Customers can be
enjoying a hot chocolate or hot
chocolate deluxe (with additional
soluble milk) in a conference self-
service area or a sports stadium. To
provide a range of operating
margins, source your ingredients
from the brand of your choosing.
Remember that almost all fully
automatic bean-to-cup machines,
including the Sego and Esprecious,
provide hot chocolate as standard
because everyone deserves to
indulge in hot chocolate
sometimes. Although the soluble
chocolate and milk combo used in
most of these is great, could you do
better? You certainly can! You could Bravilor Bolero
have a Rex-Royal bean-to-cup 11 ZHW
machine with an aroma module in
your cafeteria or staff area.
Incorporate a flavoured syrup into
your hot chocolate or coffee. Thank you to Adam Phillips and Wil
Perhaps adding a little hazelnut to Connolly of Bravilor for supplying
your hot chocolate will make it truly this article.
Whether you prefer coffee, hot
chocolate, or follow the latest NOVEMBER/DECEMBER. 2024 | ISSUE 39
seasonal trend, it doesn't matter 6 Oaklands Park
where the time of year leads you. Wokingham
We always have a solution to help Berkshire
you satisfy your customers and RG41 2FD
enhance your menu.