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Hot Chocolate
BSA Member
The market insights business Single-Origin
Hot Chocolate: crafting the beverage
Statista estimate that the UK out Chocolate
of home hot chocolate market is
expected to amount to As with fine coffee, single-origin chocolate
approximately 94,090 tonnes in is gaining popularity, allowing drinkers to
2024. The revenue for the out-of- taste the distinct qualities of cocoa
home market (coffee shops hotels sourced from different countries. The
and restaurants) is forecast at Kokoa Collection, for instance, offers
£8.8B in 2024. luxury single-origin hot chocolates crafted
from beans sourced from ten regions,
If these estimates are recognised by such as Ecuador, Tanzania, and
the businesses in the hot chocolate Madagascar. Each variety brings a unique
market, then this market is not to be flavour profile, connecting drinkers to the
ignored. The multi-national beverage specific character of each region. Conched
business continues to develop their for over 24 hours, Kokoa Collection
hot chocolate offering around retail chocolate melts smoothly to create
brands recognised by the consumer beautiful drinks. This approach transforms
when purchasing for home use. hot chocolate into an immersive
These include Galaxy, Cadbury, Aero experience that highlights the diversity of
and other similar brands. cocoa.
However, there is a hot chocolate
market that continues to innovate Nutty and Botanical
and recognises that many consumers Infusions
want a hot chocolate drink that is Pistachio-flavoured hot chocolate is
‘special’. trending this season, bringing a
sophisticated, nutty sweetness that pairs
The Latest Trends beautifully with chocolate. Nut flavours are
in Hot Chocolate: in high demand, as are subtle botanical
Crafting a Cup That infusions like lavender, rose, and
Stands Out chamomile, which lends a delicate aroma
and an extra layer of flavour to each sip.
Hot chocolate is no longer just about Vegan and Plant-
‘chocolate’; flavours and ingredients
are being reinvented. Based Options
Aleksandra Suchecka, marketing With the rise in plant-based diets, vegan-
manager from Beverage Standards friendly hot chocolate is on the rise. Most
Association member Kokoa Collection of Kokoa Collection’s hot chocolates are
works with many customers who vegan-friendly, except for their 33% white NOVEMBER/DECEMBER. 2024 | ISSUE 39
have developed a wide range of hot chocolate. Non-dairy milk options like oat,
chocolate drinks. This has enabled almond, and coconut milk work well in hot
Aleks to understand the present chocolate and bring their own unique
trends. Here Aleks shares these. taste to the drink.